
13 1 2

**** This chapter was done as a special request for someone. If you'd like another, please let me know. I hope you enjoy it.***


_____ lay flat on the cold ground with both hands resting on her stomach. She took in a deep breath and let out a long, heavy sigh. She knew she was dead. How she knew or how she was at all conscious, was a mystery. But she knew. _____ had anticipated, accepted, that when she died, it wouldn't be pleasant. She wouldn't go to a wonderful place.

'It's better this way.' She thought to herself. 'Lily's better off without me. Now I can't hurt her. I can't hurt anyone.' ______ sat alone, in the darkness and maddening silence that was her hell. The loneliness she felt was a scar with deep seeded roots. It wound it's way around her mind and soul. An unwelcomed guest into her afterlife.

At one point, her back began to hurt. So, she turn over onto her right side, but on the ground she remained nonetheless. For a fleeting moment, her mind was devoid of everything. But the silence was so overwhelmingly frightening that, she began to play a song in her mind. A sweet lullaby she would sing for Lily to help her sleep.

'I'll slowly go mad here. Too much time to think is unhealthy.' She thought.

"How did I die?" ____ suddenly spoke out loud to the darkness. "Was it an accident or intentional?" Try as she might, she couldn't remember. "Is anyone upset I'm gone? Or, relieved?" Another sigh escaped her lips.

-.-.-.-.-.-.- Spirit World -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

"You brought Yusuke back. Why won't you do it for ______?!" Saskia was becoming increasingly impatient. She was pacing Koenma's office back and forth.

"She's murdered hundreds of demons and humans alike Saskia. Not to mention a horde of other crimes she has under her belt. I can not bring someone like that back from death. Please, try to understand my position." Koenma was watching Saskia pace. His gaze was stern and unrelenting.

Before the elemental demon could speak, Zak took the opportunity to contribute to the conversation. "I was hoping not to resort to this, however," He suddenly paused. Zak walked up to Koenma's desk, arms crossed over his chest. He glared at the toddler. "You owe us a substantial amount of money Koenma. We're here to collect."

"Oh that. Yes, um about that..." Koenma gulped now starting to become nervous. 'I knew this was going to come back and bite me in the ass!' He thought.

"And bite you in the ass it is." Zak read the toddlers mind. He remained undeterred. "Your payment will be considered paid in full if, you return _____ to us."

Saskia excitedly clasped her hands together. "I'll grab everything we need to dig her body up!"

"W-wait just a minute! I have the funds to pay you! I could cut you a check right now!" The toddler was in the middle of pulling out his check-book when Zak slapped it out of his small hands.

The tall, dark haired man, slammed his hands down on Koenma's table, startling him. "We want ____. It's the only form of payment we'll accept."

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Human World -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

Yusuke absent mindedly sat crossed-legged a top his school's rooftop. His gaze was lazily fixated on the dark clouds above. It was getting ready to rain. A cool breeze passed by, making his skin go prickly. He was ditching class again, but he didn't care.

"There you are Yusuke!" Keiko's irritated voice rang in his ears but he chose to ignore her. "Yusuke!" She approached closer to the boy clad in green. He didn't turn to face her, his gaze firmly fixated on the clouds above him. "Will you stop ignoring me?! I know you can hear me!" She was yelling into his ear now. Her piercing voice finally cut through him and he turned to her.

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