He won't come for me

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"He won't come for me."

That is what the hero's companion Lila had been saying for the past two weeks, but I didn't want to believe her. The hero, Mark's, arch nemesis, me, Sandy the villain, had stolen his best friend from under him. He should have been searching or at least mentioning it to me and asking for her back. He hadn't done a thing, he hadn't even mentioned it during my crimes. Lila did everything around the lab, she cleaned and did all the tech shit that Mark was too stupid to do. The way he repays her, he leaves her to die without batting an eye.

I just didn't understand it. Lila was so smart and funny and gorgeous. How could anybody not miss her or at least notice her presence. After 2 weeks had passed, I had let Lila out of her restraints. I didn't let her go, but I let her do what she wished in my lair. One day I noticed that I hadn't seen her in a few hours and started looking around the compound. I couldn't find her anywhere. After that I started to panic. Was she ok, had she been hurt? Of course, I didn't want her escaping either. Definitely my primary concern. Totally not worried that she might have escaped and left me alone, again, like I had been for so many years.

Anyways, eventually I looked in a broken bathroom that I had never used on the top floor. I found her crying, with a razor in her hand. I knocked the razor away and was relieved to see there was no blood. Lila gave me a very startled look. "Nobody ever looks for me. Normally they don't even notice I'm gone."

My blood boiled. I would have walked out the door and killed Mark right then and there if I didn't want to be there for Lila if she wanted to talk. "Do you want to talk about it? I may be a villain, but I want to help you."

Somehow, the surprise on Lila's face grew, but she started talking anyways. Her voice was shaky, but I didn't mention it. "I was the first person to help Mark out, the first person to listen to his problems and give a shit about him. I encouraged him to become the Blujay, and for a while things were good. We talked about me once in a blue moon, and did some things that I liked doing. But then the hero things got to his head. He found Claire, and suddenly I didn't matter anymore. He would only talk to me if he needed something sciency or techy. He never talked to me just to talk, and we absolutely never talked about me. We still hunt out, but it was only to do things that he liked. 'No we can't go see that movie, it's for nerds.' 'You want to cosplay, grow the fuck up and stop pretending to be someone to distract you from your own failures'. He always said I was a failure, but he failed to notice I have three degrees in science and technology. He fail to notice when my long-term girlfriend cheated on me after we were together for 7 years and engaged. I was mopey for weeks, and depressed. It's when I started cutting. I cut in front of him once. He walked in on me doing it. He didn't even notice I was there. It's like I'm a ghost that only materializes when he needs me."

Lila was full on crying at this point, and I had a few tears in my eyes. I had no idea how terrible Mark was. He was suppose to be the good guy, protecting people and caring about his friends. Clearly she had expected too much human decency from him.

"Are you ok, Lila. If you are, I have a few errands to run but I swear I will be right back with any food you want and we can do whatever you want." Lila smiled a small adorable smile. She put her hand on top of mine and my heart rate quickened. 'Shit' I thought, 'only I would fall for the person I kidnapped'. Lila's face was slowly turning red and mine was doing the same. Then Lila stood up and pulled me with her. "You should go out and do all your shit, I swear I'm fine. More than fine actually." She looked at our intertwined hands and I blushed. She then kissed my cheeks and my face somehow got even redder. Lila then practically pushed me out the door and told me to get cheesy puffs and both mint and chocolate cookie ice cream and chocolate ice cream. I vowed to get all of the above plus some Wendy's for dinner. Lila was full on beaming at this point, and I knew this could be something amazing, but before all that I needed to take care of something. We waved goodbye, and I drove over to have a 'chat' with mark.

I drove over to his house, and of course I knew where he lived, what kind of villain would I be if I didn't. Anyways, when I got there I started to pound on the door. At this point I didn't care about subtlety, I was pissed. Then the door opened, and Mark was standing there with a shocked look on his face. I shoved him aside into the wall and went into the kitchen to raid his food. What, when I'm angry I eat, and stealing his food was just a plus. He still looked gobsmacked and I decided to use this opportunity to start talking. "Your an asshole, you know that. I've had your tech person for 2 weeks. 2 fucking weeks, and it doesn't look like you even gave enough shits to look for her!"

Mark then recovered and started to run his big fat mouth. "Wait, you have Lila. Since when?" I started seething. "You didn't even NOTICE!" Mark started to approach me cautiously and sat on his couch in his living room. His living room and kitchen were right next to each other, so I could still see him.

"How long have you had her, it definitely hasn't been 2 weeks, I would have noticed." He said this with so much confidence that it sounded like he believed every word he said. I finally found some Cool Ranch Doritos. Mark's words made me lose my appetite, but I ate one anyways just to piss him off. It worked.

"Why are you eating my Doritos?"

"Because you don't deserve them you disgusting leech."

Mark actually looked taken aback by that. I smirked and popped a Dorito in my mouth. "Why am I a leech?" He asked in an equally angry and confused voice. I decided to explain so his pig brain could understand.

"Because of how you treat Lila," I said very simply. Mark opened his mouth to speak but I held up my hand in a stopping motion. He closed his mouth immediately.

"It's my turn to talk, ok? You talk entirely too much. Nod if you understand." He nodded his head slowly. "How you treated Lila was unacceptable. I say treated because I know your never gonna treat her like that ever again. You treated her like a neglected dog, to be used and then tossed aside. You don't deserve her, never have, which is why I will be setting her free. She will not be going back to you, and under no circumstances will you look for her. If you do, I will steal your kneecaps and your eyes and hang your dead body right in front of city hall.  Are we clear?"

Mark was just sitting there dumbly. "I will repeat myself. Are. We. Clear." Mark came to his senses and nodded violently. I smiled and then left his house with his Doritos and the farewell of flipping him off. He seemed to shocked at what had just happened to respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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