the dumb training (chapter 2)

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I had just left the call that Tommy,Tubbo,Wilbur,Philza,Dream,Techno and,Ranboo where in. As a man who was in a yellow sleeping bag would hop in. My guess was he was the teacher. The class would freak out. I would then say " He is probably our teacher." The blue kid would say "He can't be our teacher even so he should be dressed properly." As the man in the sleeping bag would explain that he was our teacher. He would tell us we had to do a test as a brat in my words "What abou-" I would cut her off saying "Fu** orientation no one asked about it so shut it." I hear the blonde kid laugh. As the teacher would say we would have to do a test to see if we should be in class 1A.

After getting changed an got on the field and would start the test around 2 hours later.

That was so boring I thought I would the look at the time. "Oh shoot it's 3:20 I have to get there before 3:30 ." I'd say I then would use a speed potion an run as fast a possible I get there 1 minute early. I quickly log in ' DayDreamer has joined the game ' I wait at the house an stay there to the see my Dad,Tommy and,Tubbo about a hour later. I'd clap my hands "Oh look it's the l'manberg boys." The two look shocked. Tommy would then say. "B****
boy what the he** why are they here." I had a dumb look on my face I was going to say something but my dad cut me off "Oh you mean my son/daughter/child." The two would like at me in shock as I would have a grin on my face. "Y..Y- you traitor.I trusted you! You're just like Wilbur!" Tommy would have said. I would laugh evilly saying "I was never you friend. You always got what you wanted even if it was the disc's or the role of vice president! Even when you do so much wrong to everyone on the smp." My father would say something I didn't really pay attention. I would hear him say he was going to kill Tubbo. I hear I wouldn't really care about him killing Tubbo. I then see Pun's come in through the nether portal he'd say "Dream you should have paid me more." As most of the smp would come through. I would back up with my dad. I would look at him an he had the same look I had. Then I had lost 2 canon lives. He would then reveal the truth and why we joined Schlatt's side. ' Private message from Dream: "Alright so I am going to kill you an revive you when I have to use the book" ' I would nod as every thing I saw go black. I would hear Wilbur we talked what felt like days.

1 week later

Me and my classmates had done a test with ' AllMight ' I never really was a fan of heroes. It was lunch time I sat alone listening to Wilbur and Tommy argue as Philza is laughing along with Tubbo I'd say "Hi old man an bee boy." Philza would start to yell at me for calling him old. As alarm would go off it was so loud that Wilbur an Tommy shut up. "Is this a blessing you two shut the hell up." I'd say then the two in unisons "F**k you." I would think if this is a distractions. I would run still phone in hand i make it to the information room I see a blue haired kid after running in. He would look at me my an run at me and put five fingers on my face. I'd scream in pain. Tommy,Tubbo,Wilbur and,Philza would freak out Philza an Wilbur would say they are going to pay tickets to Musutafu, Japan. After that it all goes black

1 week later

I hear Wilbur's voice he'd say "Please they couldn't be die." I hear Tubbo crying I couldn't hold back my laughter. "Aww you f**kers really do care." Still laughing my a** off I realized Wilbur is coming towards me. I'd roll off the bed I then notice that I can't see in one eye. I look at Wilbur with a terrified look I'd run up an hug him. "Why can't I see their my right eye Wilby." After saying that Tommy would come in with Dream,Techno,Ranboo,Niki and,Philza. They'd then join the hug along with Tubbo.

3 hours later

I would be at my house looking in the mirror I move my hair around and it would look like this:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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