He and She and I

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(3rd person POV)
Jordan gets up and and sees that it is past 8:30 he jumps out of bed and puts his clothes and red hat on and grabs his backpack and runs out of the back door quickly changing into his black hat instead and running into the woods he see his best friend Devon "What took you so long"
he says "Overslept'' Jordan says

(Devon's POV)
I run down to near the school and look back and see him running I look at the school.

I run to the the school door as I was late and I really don't know why
But I wait for Jordan to catch up and then I run to class " Mr.Devon You are 30 minute Late see me after class" Mr.Bell says "OK" I say After class Mr.bell told me that since this is the first day he will cut me some slack but try not to be late tomorrow I say Thanks and leave really happy I did not have to stay after school.

I skip 2nd period cause why not? And I go to see my Dog at my house to see if he is hungry I get there he is very excited to see me so I refill his dog bowl and leave. It makes me happy that he is happy I walk outside and see some guys and recognized them from the south gang they are driving and black car and they pull out an gun and shoot 3 times I....

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