Gun Shots...

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(Devon POV) on the ground I don't know really my vision is very blurry I try to move but I don't have the strength to all I can really do is move my head I see that my leg is shot
It hurts a lot I look at my chest it is soaked with blood but I can't see where somewhere else is shot but then it start to hurt to much to move it is freezing but its like 80 degrees outside everything starts to get blurry and I....

(Jordan POV)
I can't find Devon maybe he skipped
I leave the school and go to look for him I go to his cause he maybe went there to eat so head there and he's on the ground bleeding I think he's prank me cause he did the same prank an year ago but... The blood look real a little too real so I run up to him and see gunshot wounds he is breathing but barely I pick him up and take him to the hospital

I run as fast as I can run into Branch's and and getting cut by spikey leaves I finally get there and I burst though the door and yell for the doctors the come and get an stretcher for him I put him down as they put on an IV get blood bag for transfusions and start to do chest compressions

I wait in the living room pacing want to know if he is OK then the gang lead Leon get to the hospital and he  says "do you know who did this" "No" I say angrily. Somebody shot him he was in front of his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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