The Nen Unser

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The dark blue of the skies above her became littered with rays of warm yellows, mellow oranges and gentle reds. She watched, wide-eyed and amazed as the morning colors blended and overtook the dark blue of the night, absorbing the shining stars in the process. Even though she watched it most mornings it never ceased to amaze her.

Suddenly the young woman heard footsteps and shortly after someone sat down beside her. The gravity of this person's presence pulled her a bit closer to them. She turned her head around to see a young man sitting right next to her on the bench. He wore dark, casual cloths – yet somehow, he looked so formal. His hair

"Hello. How can I help you?" she asked. Since she didn't have many friends most people looked for her because of her nen. That's why she decided to move out to a small farmhouse and didn't tell anyone about her new location.

"I heard you can help me." He started but she interrupted him.

"I'm sorry mister but I don't help anymore." With those words said, she tried to get back onto her feet, though a hand on her own stopped her.

"Please, just listen to me. Then you may still reject me." He pleaded making her sigh. She nodded. "My name is Chrollo Lucifer. I'm on the search for a nen exorcist. You are my last resort, so I'll gift you anything your heart desire. Tell me what you want and I'll bring it to you."

Oh, he was really desperate.

"Okay, first of all, let me interduce myself. I'm Amaia. And I'm not a nen exorcist. I'm sorry to disappoint you." She said.

"I know. You could still help me with your hatsu."

Again, Amaia sighed. This man wasn't easy to brush of. I should listen to him, she thought to herself. She decided to invite Chrollo to go inside, since they had a lot to discuss. The man gladly took the offer and followed her into the small kitchen, where they sat down at the dining table. He sat across of her with a cool mind and composure. They both talked a bit about themselves. Chrollo told her about how he got into a heated argument with an friend, who cursed him out of anger. Now he was not allowed to use his own nen or even talk to the rest of his friends. He visited a few nen exorcists by now, yet no one could remove the curse from him.

"Then I heard people whisper about a person who can undo everything. I looked everywhere for her and thus I found you." He finished his story with a sad smile. Amaia noticed the melancholy in his eyes, feeling bad for him. This miserable young man just wanted to go back to his family. Who was she to deny his wish? After all, Amaia could make a lot of money out of it.

"So, tell me, when did it happen?" she asked in hope it was only a few days ago.

Chrollo thought shortly before answering. "Around two years ago."

Amaia sighed. It was impossible for her to fix a mistake that was made so long ago... "I would love to help, but my abilities wont work on such a long period."

After he heard what Amaia said, he bowed down. His head and arms laid flat on the table. "I beg you! There must be a way!" For a man who had his feelings under control he got really emotional at the moment. Amaia was his last resort. No one else could help him out, which made him so depressed.

She put her hand on his head, patting his hair softly. "Hey, it's okay. You don't need to beg for help. I'd really help. But my abilities come with a price. Let me explain first." Chrollo looked up to her, a small shimmer of hope filled his gaze. "My ability is called soul mate. I can create a bond between myself and some else. There can only be one bond at a time. Once the bond is established, I can go back in time to meet my soul mate at a different time and place. Through this action I can alter the future. YET there is one thing. The further back I go, the stronger the bond has to be. If I went back three days it would be fine if you just thanked me and gave me my share because the bond would be lose. Although if I went back two years – like it is in your case – then there need to be real feelings between us after a determined time. Otherwise the bond will break and I'll be just sent back here. Nothing will change like that. Do you understand?"

Chrollo was obviously shocked. So that was the hook. Amaia had a powerful ability, yet it had a high price to pay. After all it's impossible that either one of them would fall in love in each other. The feelings needed to be mutual as well, so it was not enough for Chrollo to just fake everything and make her fall for him. There had to be a way to do this....

"Are you allowed to tell me everything we are talking about now when you go back in time?" he asked, still thinking about a way out.

Amaia though a bit about it. "I think I can, but you wont believe me anyway. For you it will be the first time we'll meet, remember?"

He nodded. "Are you willing to try it? Even if you fail, I'll give you the jennies you want."

Now it was her time to think everything through. Chrollo looked like a nice man. He won't be any trouble in the past. Maybe she could prevent the quarrel between him and his friends, so he won't be cursed. But what if he lied to her? What if he isn't the one he says he is?

"I need every bit of information. Where can I find you? Have you lied about anything you told me? Also, I need to add, that once we are bound together you wont be able to hurt me, so don't even plan it. Once I die through anything related to you the bond will break and you will be back here and having this talk with me again. It's a way to make sure no one messes with me."

"You should contact a woman named Pakunoda in Yorknew City on August 31st. She is a tall blonde who likes to wear a dark purple suit. She will bring you to me." Was all that Chrollo added. He didn't mention the Chain Unser in any way, thinking it was unnecessary. Probably they will end up here again. After all, how are the chances that a man that shows no fear of his own death - even anticipating it – would ever fall in love in only a few days in a girl that isn't any special? Also, once she knows who he really is, she will back out for sure. Even so, it was worth a try.

"Okay. Then let's do it. I hope I can help you!" she cheered with a smile on her lips. Then she gestured Chrollo to stand up and come closer to her. There, she focused and molded her aura into a small red ribbon. It wrapped itself around her pinky finger, then around his own. A strong energy pulsated through the ribbon.

Amaia pulled her hand away, showing Chrollo how elastic the ribbon was. "It can't be broken by anything other than not fulfilling the criteria. With this, I fill find you. I promise I will try my best to help you, but as you know it's not all on me."

Chrollo nodded.

"Sorry." She whispered and before the leader of the Phantom Troupe noticed what was happening, she pressed her lips against his. In the same instant everything went black.


I dont own anything but the plot.

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