Meeting Chrollo

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After bringing the blue-haired girl to her room, Chrollo asked you to follow him to a different one. There Amaia sat down on the bed, nervously playing with her brown hair.

"Can you please tell me who you are and what you are planning?" asked Chrollo while looking down at his hand trying to figure out how Amaia's ability worked.

"Of course. My Name is Amaia Ko." she started her explanation. The girl was used to, since it was part of her work. "It may sound weird, but actually you sent me here. Two years from now you will come to me in need of help. I'm here to prevent you from getting cursed."

Chrollo looked at her with a mix of nonbelief and curiosity. "And how am I supposed to believe you? So, you are telling me, you can jump through time?"

She shook her head. "It's not that simple. In the future, we made a deal. As you see, we are bound to each other." With this she begun to explain how her ability works - just like she did in the future. It took a few minutes, and this version had more questions about it than his future self. Although, she let out the whole fall in love part out. After all, Amaia didn't want to scare Chrollo away in the first few minutes. "And then you told me to find a woman named Pakunoda, as she was able to help me."

"Ah, I see. So, you know about her as well. It sounds reasonable. Do you know what's happening right now?" Chrollo asked as he offered Amaia his hand. She took it with hesitation and followed him to a window. From up here she could see the whole city. Fire, explosions and many deaths littered the streets she walked not a whole hour ago.

Taken aback she stood there in silence. No, she didn't know what was happening. Of course, Chrollo didn't tell her about it.

Chaos. Chaos everywhere...

"By your reaction, I assume you have no clue what's happening. We are stealing from the underground auction. And by doing that we sing a requiem for our fallen friend." explained Chrollo in a sad voice, yet proud about what he was seeing.

Amaia felt sorry for him. She knows how hard it is to lose a loving friend. "My condolences." she whisper. "I know, I'm nothing but a stranger to you. But I hope we can work together."

Chrollo smiled at her. "It will be a pleasure. Now tell me, can you fend for yourself?"

"To be honest, I'm not the best fighter. Because of Soul Mate I can barely use nen."

The man nodded. "Then you should either hide somewhere or stick to me. There are assassins all over the place hunting for me.

After a short moment of thinking Amaia decided to follow Chrollo around. This way she could get to know him, his motives and maybe his friends. She was curios who this man really was. You could easily tell he had a complex character. It was fascinating and scary at the same time. How could someone so humble organize a massacre like that to honor a fallen friend? Yes, of course, Amaia killed before as well. Who didn't? The world is harsh and unfriendly. Sometimes you just need to defend yourself. Yet she still never was someone who killed for fun.

Both of them exited the room to roam around the building. On their way Chrollo killed two assassins. One of them even tried to hurt Amaia before going for Chrollo himself. In that moment she realized, she could trust Chrollo.

Then Amaia followed him into a big, well lit, area. It looked a bit like a musical hall or a big dining room without any tables. There they waited for a round forth seconds before they felt a really strong presence coming towards them. More assassins? These ones looked a lot stronger.

"Do you need any help?" asked Amaia not sure if she was able to help.

Chrollo smiled at her. It wasn't often that someone cared for his wellbeing. Somehow, he started to enjoy her attention for him. It felt like they already met. For her, they did. But for him it was the very first time seeing her. "It's okay. Just watch."

Amaia nodded and welt towards a wall, so that she wasn't in the way once the attackers entered. Not long after two men appeared. One of them was an elderly man, while the other one was silver-blonde and really tall.

"We meet again." Chrollo said with a serious look on his face. They already knew each other's? Then it hit her. Those two before her where the Zoldycks. That's why the aura around them was so strong and fearsome. That means this must be Silva and Zeno Zoldyck, since the other men were much younger.

"You remember me?" Silva responded surprised.

"How could I forget? You killed one of my people." The aura around Chrollo became even darker. He has seen some hurtful things in his life...

"It was difficult."

"I won't hold back, young man," Zeno added. "What about you?" Now he was looking at Amaia, who was watching everything from far away.

She swallowed. There was no way she could fight any of them. Their bloodlust was way stronger than hers could ever be.

"Leave her out of this. You are here for me, aren't you?" called Chrollo to grab their attention again.

The older man nodded. "You are right. We only get paid to kill you. Nothing more. As long as she doesn't intertwine we won't attack her."

After that, everyone started moving. First slowly, but then fast. Amaia had to focus to even see them move. Two versus one and yet Chrollo kept up with them. How strong is he really? What's more important: even though he is so strong, how did he get cursed then? No way some ordinary person could do that to him. Amaia noticed that there might be more to this curse of his.

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