cнapтer 13

771 23 8

It was a week since the strange occurrence. The sun blinded Yumeko who could only fall in a light sleep. Looking at her phone, she saw the time and steadily made her way out of bed, hoping to not wake Mary during the process. Before heading out the door she grabbed a light jacket and umbrella since rain was to be expected. Swiftly traveling throughout the campus she made it to her car. Fumbling with her car keys she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"Ms. Yumeko Jabami, correct?" the man had a stern expression, but a soft voice. Yumeko nodded her head to confirm, and the man placed out his hand. "Hello Ms. Jabami. I believe you have a scheduled meeting with us, please follow me." The teen placed the keys back into her bag and ambled her way towards the vehicle the man guided her to. Nothing seemed to feel right, but what choice did she have. Looking out the dark tinted windows, they finally arrived at large building with 'Momobami' planted on it. The man kindly escorted the teen out of the vehicle where a familiar face appeared at the entrance. Coming closer to the double doors which entered the building, the girl who appeared to be around Yumeko's age spoke. "Hello Ms. Jabami, please, follow me so I can properly introduce you to our Madam President." Her voice wasn't what Yumeko expected, but instead it sounded stiff and even robotic.

The two went inside while the man waited outside the door, 'A bodyguard?' the teen thought. The building they were now in was enormous, pillars on each side and a double stair case leading to the second floor. It gave her faint memories of her previous home with her father. The girl then led Yumeko to an elevator where they both stood in silence. 'Is that mask really necessary?' The girl looked towards Yumeko and responded. "If you're wondering about my mask, it doesn't concern you in any way." The teen took a moment to process how she caught on to what she was thinking, but brushed it off when they finally reached the designated floor.

"She's currently with someone. Sit here." The masked girl suggested. Yumeko took the offer and sat down. "Are you and Mary Saotome close?" The girl questioned. The ravenette was thrown off by this, but responded shortly after. "Yes, we're dating actually." The girl looked down at the ground, which made it seem like she was disappointed and possibly upset. Yumeko wasn't sure on how to react to this, so she averted her attention to the office door. Silence took over and it felt as though hours went by until she was finally ready to see her. Step by step she entered the office and sat down in front of the desk where Madam President sat. "Yumeko dear, what a pleasure to personally meet you." The two greeted by a small handshake. "Might I ask, why am I here? Certainly not about a gamble I'm sure?" Yumeko smiled. Kirari smiled in return then crossed her arms.

"I want you to work for the Momobami business. You have great work ethic, top in all your classes, and a good eye when it comes to gambling. We'll offer-" Yumeko began to laugh softly. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline. I already work under a business of my own, what good what it do to work for yours." The white haired girl took a deep breath and smirked. "I figured you'd say that. How about we make a deal?" The teen raised a brow at this from curiosity. "Does a nice gamble sound good to you?" Yumeko's heart began beating rapidly from excitement, 'a gamble with the President?' she thought, forcing her lips to quiver into a smile. "So, what is it? Do we have a deal?" Asked the President. Before taking her hand to accept the deal, the teen asked, "What's the benefits for me in this?" Kirari walked over to a file cabinet and grabbed a red folder then proceeded to sit down. "If you win, then you can walk away with a large percent of the our business's finances. If I win, well you would have to work under me."

"And let's say I didn't take your offer?" Yumeko questioned. Kirari leaned forward and lifted Yumeko's chin, forcing her eyes upon her. "Being the last of your father's business, I'm sure it wouldn't be best to allow that to happen." The teen felt a lump in her throat, 'Is she threating me?' she thought. Not letting go of her composure she smiled and put out her hand. "You can kill me if you'd like, hell I'd do it myself. But a game of gambling shouldn't hurt." The other teen shook the ravenette's hand. After their deal Yumeko felt a chill crawl down her spine, she wouldn't say she felt uneasy, but more so excited. Sure she was risking her and her father's business, but how much of a risk would it be if she didn't risk it all. The bodyguard brought her back to campus safely and she returned to her dorm. Kirari excused her classes that day, so it gave her a chance to study to herself. Entering the room she was greeted by Runa and Ryota.

"What are you guys doing here?" Yumeko asked. Ryota began to speak, but Runa cut him off. "We were worried about you I guess, you never miss a day. And you didn't come to lunch either.." Yumeko tilted her head, confused of the point she was trying to get at. "Well do you remember Midari? You promised her a bet. So I also need to warn you about that." Her voice trailed off and she continued playing on her hand held console. The teen looked over at Ryota who seemed to have something to add. "Yumeko. I understand you enjoy gambling, but Midari is bad news.. there were rumors someone even died when gambling with her." he said softly. Yumeko laughed and shook her head, 'Ryota. If I wasn't gambling my life away, what fun would that be?" the teen said in an exciting tone. After that statement Runa and Ryota switched glances. They were both equally worried about Yumeko and what she was getting herself into. But what can they do about an impulsive gambler.

The door nob turned and there was a glimpse of blonde silky hair. 'Mary!' Yumeko thought with glee. Swiftly she went to wrap her arms around her girlfriend before being stopped from the blonde's hand. "Yumeko." she said coldly. The once gleeful expression grew worried and concerned by her tone. Mary continued, "I don't want you gambling with Midari, or anyone for that matter. You aren't gambling for the fun of it, but the risk. And you can't risk your life over some gamble, it's not worth it." Mary knew everything from what Runa and Ryota told her about, which was enough to worry her, especially for what Yumeko has been going through. She knew it would hurt her, but she was only doing it to protect her. The ravenette's expression dropped even lower. Mary then pulled her girlfriend into an embrace, stroking her jet black hair with her hands. "Promise me okay?" whispered the blonde. "I can't promise that, I'm sorry." Yumeko replied. Mary didn't reply after that, but instead held Yumeko closer. The teens stood for what felt like hours, by this time Runa and Ryota had already left. As much as Yumeko knew Mary cared, she couldn't break the deal she had set. Her life was on the line, but at the same time they needed her to be alive. So if anything, she was only putting everyone she cared about in danger. 'I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't want to feel trapped in this.' she thought once more, before her mind finally went blank.


Not exactly sure how I feel about this chapter. But I'm worried for Yumeko, she's becoming so careless. Then again, what other option does she really have ?

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