cнapтer 16

709 24 14

Mary's POV

Waiting for Yumeko to return, I think about what happened earlier. I feel like an idiot for the way I reacted. Why did I get so jealous.. ? I shortly become impatient once I see Kirari return. Standing up I walk steadily to find Yumeko. The hallways got darker the farther they stretched, getting much colder along the way.

I felt myself becoming lost. There was a strange feeling that was much different than the ambiance I felt prior. Attempting to make a turn, the sound of someone's voice startled me. "This area is restricted from guests, please make your way back now." The voice sounded unnatural, a voice I could identify from across the room. "I see you're still her house pet, Rikiari," I remarked. The voice that remained in the shadows approached me. "Hmm. I'm only on the lookout for others that wander off like you." she hummed. "Call it whatever you like, you still can't even work on your own it seems." After those words, Rikiari stepped closer, "I can take care of myself, Mary. I'm only working because she offered me to." Feeling annoyed, I scoffed and attempted to walk away before Rikiari grabbed my wrist. "Wait," she mumbled.

Turning my attention towards her, I impatiently waited for another response. "Well, what is it?" I asked blankly. Agitated by the sudden silence, I grabbed her mask and threw it onto the ground. Her once pale face was now red. "I'm not going to sit here all day, spit it out." Rikiari stepped closer once more and lifted my chin, leaving our faces only inches apart. Before going much further a voice from behind me caused us to jump. "Oh. Am I interrupting something here?" the person teased. It was Yumeko. Quickly turning her way she had an expression I haven't seen before. Was she upset? I thought. Well, I don't see why she wouldn't be. "My, I sure hope you don't think you can strike a chance dear." she spat at Rikiari. I went to grab Yumeko's hand and drug her away before things began to unravel. "Your ex right?" Yumeko asked coldly. I nodded. I didn't know what happened back there, but I'm glad Yumeko came when she did, even when I was the one looking for her. We sat down and Yumeko remained quiet. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, which is what worried me.

Tired of the silence I start up a conversation. "What did you and Kirari speak about?" I asked while playing with the straw in my cup. "Nothing important. Why do you ask?" Just from her tone, I knew it was much more than that but decided to leave it be. "Well.. you were gone for a minute," I confessed, partially embarrassed. She laughed. "What's so funny? I was worried. You know I don't trust her-" She cut me off before I could continue babbling on. "It's not that, I just never perceived you to be jealous over things like that." she smiled. "I mean, you were going to be kissed by your ex if I wasn't there, so that's something to be jealous about," she added.

I looked down at my lap after her comment. She's right. Why am I jealous over something as small as that, when Rikiari tried to make a move on me. I felt her hand brush across my face. It felt warm and comforting as always, causing me to feel butterflies flutter within my stomach. "Well, it's cute when you are. But I'd rather you stay away from Rikiari." she purred. She then patted my head and looked down at the menu. Cute..? I looked over at her not knowing what she meant by that. But decided to choose what I wanted to order instead.

"I hope this money doesn't all go to her." I groaned. Yumeko shrugged and called a waiter over. "I'll cover it. No worries." she giggled. I sighed knowing I was going to find a way to pay her back anyways. While waiting for our food, it got quiet again. "Mary-San~" she whispered, causing my stomach to flutter. "Hm?" I hummed, letting her know she caught my attention. "Wanna dance?" She asked sweetly, looking over at the dance floor. "I don't dance Yumeko.." she stood up swiftly and grabbed my hand, "Neither do I, but come on." I shook my head in disbelief as she dragged me across the room to where everyone else was dancing. The music was upbeat, and everyone was dancing to their rhythm. Distracted by my surroundings, I didn't realize how close I was to Yumeko who nudged me on the arm. "Mary, you can't just stand there." she teased. I smiled to myself and moved within her rhythm. Her hair swayed back and forth along with her hips. She seemed happier than usual which made me feel relieved. I tend to worry about her a lot, maybe more than usual. But she means too much to me for me not to.

The music transitioned into a slower rhythm and the room seemed to come to a pause. Yumeko pulled me close, placing her hands around my hip as I wrapped mine around her neck. Our bodies closely together moved in sync. Looking up at her beaming red eyes, I felt my mind go blank. "I'm not making you uncomfortable am I?" she asked innocently. My eyes widened and a red haze crept across my cheeks,

"N-no.." I managed to get out. She then smiled and cupped my face. "You get flustered so easy, I'm only teasing." she laughed. Becoming annoyed, I lay my head on her shoulder to hide my expression. "Awh now you're hiding, that's cute. There, there." At this point, I felt like she was treating me like a child, but her comforting voice made it hard to get upset, so instead, I found laughter abrupt from my lips.

Lifting my head from her shoulder, I looked into her eyes. This time they shined brightly like rubies because she was staring back at me. Her smile never glowed so brightly it seemed. But tonight felt different. The party was finally over and we headed towards the car. It was already pitch dark out for it being midnight. Before getting into the car Yumeko came to a sudden stop. "Yumeko?" I asked. Her head was down and the sudden vibrant girl was now a burnt-out amber. "Mary..." I wasn't sure what she was beginning to say but stepped closer to her. "If something happens to me.. please tell Etsu I love her.. and.." her voice trailed off, as sniffles followed. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. "Yumeko, nothings going to happen to you. Don't say things like that, it worries me.. Kirari didn't say anything to you did she?" She didn't reply. Her warm tears began to soak my shirt as I kept her in my grasp. "Yumeko. Can you tell me what she did? I care about you too much for her to hurt you." She looked up at me with her makeup now smeared, "But why.." she asked softly. I tucked her loose hair strands behind her ear and smiled.

"Because I lov... " I paused, then continued, "because I need you." I felt a sudden trap in my throat, making it hard for me to say what I wanted to tell her for the past few months. But I just couldn't find the right time or way. She smiled softly and we got into the car to head back to our dorm.

"Hey Mary, I think you passed the road-"

"I wanna show you something." I smiled. I could see Yumeko look at me in question, but then she continued looking out the window. Arriving at our destination Yumeko was still unsure of where we were, so I grabbed her hand to lead the way. After a few minutes of walking, we finally made it on top of a grassy hill. I lay down the blanket I took from the car and sat down. She wasn't sure why I was doing this, but decided to lay down beside me. "Mary.. why are we-" Cutting her off, I pointed towards the dark sky. "Because of this." She looked up at the stars which shined brightly, as I looked at her curious eyes I could see the reflection of the sky shimmer through them. Wow. I thought aloud. Continuing to look at the stars and city lights, I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder. This soon? She must be really tired I laughed softly. "I love you Yumeko.." I whispered, kissing the top of her head softly.

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