・eight-teen birthday ・

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|| Although it was just a normal morning for Neji he was also excited for today, it was his birthday he was turning 18 and on everyones 18 birthday in the hyuga family they will learn the hyugas secret from keeping up the company ||

-Nejis pov-

I was sleeping peacefully one my bed when heard a noise from my phone I started up and grabbed it only to fined out it was Lee bothering me six in the morning either way im up now so I just check his messages I then remember it ws my eight-teen birthday he must be congratulating   me 

Lee: Good morning Neji get up and get ready today is your youthful birthday!!

Lee: Neji don't forget today is an important day for you get up and get ready

Lee : though lets go to school early to talk!!  Tenten is coming to!!                                                                                     read 6:12 AM  

 I got to say Lee just pulled out the trump card you see I find Tenten interesting for a girl she dosen't care about people looks only personality and that's the same for her although she is a very pretty girl back to the topic though.. 

I took a nice shower and dried myself I wanted to wear something formal so I wouldn't look like a trash bag in front of Hiashi  I was wearing an white plain shirt I was looking for a my type of style so I put on grey pants although they were a bit baggy and a grey jacket hanging on my shoulders I put a neckless of the hyuga simple I put on a belt I brushed my hair and tied it low I put on black gloves

As I walked down stairs I saw Hinata wearing a white long sleeve shirt with gold bottoms on the ends and on top a purple show water she had a collar neckless on and her skirt was with with long white sock leggings and black boots She always try to looks good for a boy name Naruto I always well.. dislike  him I can't find a prober reason and I can't even find a good reason why Hinata likes him I can see he haves nice features but on the way he dress and act that's gonna be a No 

"Im going to school now, Hinata would you like me to bring you there?" I ask with a smile while holding my keys  Hinata just stared at me shyly and nodded her head        

   I open the door for her and she got in the car and drove to school, you see I go to a school that is a high class and is strict although some teachers are disrespectful well only one of them he is a pervert.. 

"Let go Hinata.." I got out of the car and so did Hinata I saw Naruto.. and Lee coming our way great.. Hinata is gonna get all how do I say this fangirl state?

" HELLO NEJI!!! " he had a wide smile the made his teeth shine I still don't know how he makes his teeth so white

"Lee you need to be quiet were at school don't humiliate your self again you should go to class now" I Said looking at the direction of Naruto and Hinata 

"oh yeah err.. sorry..." He then just left and I walked towards Hinata  

"Hey Hinata" Naruto Said he had a smile not as wide as Lee but he had clean teeth 

"H-Hi  N-Naruto-kun" Hinata said playing this her fingers looking down with a medium shade of pink on her cheeks to her ears

"Do you wanna head to class with me?" Naruto ask putting his hand on her shoulder making her look up at him

"I- I-" Hinata stutter trying to find the word to say

"Actually how about we go together?" I popped in the conversation I didn't want Naruto pulling her to class making her faint 

"Sure come on Hinata" Naruto grabbed her hand pulling Her

How can Naruto be so dumb he can't even see when girl try to confess let me tell you hes quite popular here because of his looked and the company his parents run tho hes quite dumb girls try to confess to him and he think they mean 'friends' or 'hang outs' I heard rumors that's hes gay since he was never interested in the female body but girls huh.. they still tried 

-at class-

Our teacher was going to be Mr. kakashi-hatake he read porn in front of everyone he dose't even care what people think about him hes just an old pervert but for the mean time I'll intrudes my friends 

Shikamaru Nara-  he's one of my friends although he is really lazy his parents owns a company there are very intelligent they help other companies and people there more like a lawyer that helps situations next is oh god - 

Ino yamanaka and sakura haruno...there family run modeling they are huge rivals against each other although they do both crush on each other they just never show it next it.. its easy t see if you have a brain unlike Naruto

Sasuke uchiha.. let me tell you he's a huge show off ,his family runs a huge company and our company's don't bond together, his brother is a smart person he got good ideas to make the company better witch that makes the hyugas company drop he's friends with an Uzumaki kid since the Uchiha and Uzumakis have a friendly bond..

Next is lee.. he's just the president son they run a company call "turtles" my exact thought was 'stupid' although he is crazy and energize he can be helpful and come in the right moment when your in trouble 

Next is choji his family just runs a famous restaurant no wonder he is upsets with food and last but not least...

Naruto Uzumaki his family runs a million dollar company he's friends with the uchiha let me tell you there close and the rumor about him being gay is that he is never interested in the female body and the second reason was he always Hang with the uchiha kid they even kissed by 'accident' but I can see why the uchiha dosen't mind his company hes innocent and hes like a ball of sunshine when your depress


How do you like this so far?? you see im re-writing some pages because I wanna make them better then before and fix some mistakes because I didn't;t like how the story just stop like THAT so if your reading this please wait until a day or too and come back because that's when the book is more better or you can just see it and then come back in a day or too, to check the new updates by the way I made a new story about revenge and I need ideas on the chapter 7 I took my time on that book so don't be afraid to read 

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