・an arrange marriage・

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School was over and i got in the car with Hinata right when i enter the house and open the door for her We saw Hiashi and a blond man facing towards Hiashi Today was the day they tell me but why is that Man here?

"Ah yes he's here.. Neji i'll like you to meet Minato Namikaze of the Uzumaki and Namikaze company" Hiashi said in a gentle and friendly voice 

The blond Man turned his head around to face me he had Blond sulky hair and blue eyes just like the Ocean he had tan skin that look gentle he was wearing a dark blue turtleneck shirt with sleeves and dark black pants with a belt and he had a black coat around his shoulders he remindeds me of Naruto..

"Its a pleasure to meet you Minato-san" I said bowing i then looked at Hinata she bowed Also but then something came across my mind

'Wait Minato as in Minato Namikaze Uzumaki? Isn't he Narutos father!?'  I Looked at Hinata and she seemed she already Knew it was him 

"Its Also a pleasure to meet you, you must be wondering why i am here you see uh- Hiashi here will explain" Minato said awkwardly facing the direction  of Sir Hiashi 

Hiashi looked at me a grumped his throat closing his eyes i had a bad feeling about this and this involved the "Secret" He than gave a look to Minato as In "You say it" Minato than sighed in defeat he cleared his throat and began to speak

"You know when a hyuga turns eight-teen they learn something from there company right? well that is an arrange marriage thats the part I come in you see.. you will have an marriage with my child" Minato said with an awkward smile 

"With my son.." Minato Added looking at Hiashi that sighed looking straight at me I couldn't say anything i was shocked of me marrying Naruto!?

I completely forgot Hinata I turned to face her she was having a frown on her face she was holding back her tears clutching her fist trying not to cry in front of Hiashi and Minato 

"How about Hinata do the marriage? She haves.. interest with that boy" I said putting my arm around Hinata to comfort her her eyes lighten up when i said hat and she turn to face me with a smile and face them back 

"You see my son is gay he was never interested in the female body and another reason is Because shes only six-teen and we'll have to wait for four years for the marriage and we can only hold too years.. and since tour eight-teen and your a male i think it suits you better.." Minato said putting his hand behind him 

'Gay..Gay...Gay...' That word kept on repeating in my head to be honest i wasn't really that surprised what he said was true he never showed interest in female no wonder he never mind wearing sweatpants 'Dose he like the Uchiha kid? 

How dose Hinata feel about this? I looked at her She was already crying tears flowing down her cheeks she was holding her sobs until she let one out she rain upstairs screaming let me tell you she liked that boy ever since she was four he saved her from bully's 

I looked at Hiashi he doesn't seem to care for Hinata just his company i then looked at Minato he had a worried expression for Hinata a lady he didn"t know i can see he has a kind heart for people Minato then turned at me and gave me a small smile i sighed i didn't wanted to disappoint the hyugas but Hinata.. No.. put your feelings aside and do it for the company

"I accept.. though i was some conditions one i want to get to know Naruto first too .. you guys do not push us much for the relationship quicken" Hiashi sighed and Minato nodded 

"I will come by tomorrow and i'll bring my son i hope you can get along with him he can be clingy oh and Hiashi can i talk to Neji in.. private?" Minato said walking towards me ti be right in my side Hiashi nodded and left the room 

"What did you wanted to speak to me Minato-san?" I ask i wanted to get it over with and think this threw im thinking if Naruto just go with the flow or argue against it 

"I just wanna give you tips since your gonna marry naruto One he haves an addition to ramen.. He is very clingy sometimes he can be loud and he can also be gentle.. his emotion can flip like a switch and he can tease you a lot to push your buttons" Minato said All of these things he said i already knew but half actually 

        He is clingy? He liked to cuddle people? Dose the Uchiha know this i mean hes with him? but how am i suppose to work this out of Hinata oh.. how about my friends and how about Tenten? I know she likes me and i licke her back but won't this just break her? 

' I should just keep this quiet for now.. ' I though i nodded to Minato and pen the door for him to leave 

"I'll inform Naruto about this try to tame him.. more likely see you Tomorrow Neji" Minato said waving to me while walking out 

"This is going to be a long too years.." 


I am going to be upgrading this book because  well if you read the first page you must already know so enjoy and please come back in tomorrow or on April   4th because thats when i'm more likely finish with editing 

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