Black Butler opening season 2

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Even if the endless sorrow steals you away

Tell me that's there's no such thing as our hearts

No matter what shape tomorrow is when I

ask your back that I ran up to

I didn't waver, because I didn't want

to forget about believing anymore

The habit of averting my eyes, ambiguous

replies, and lies I can't laugh at-

If you're not next to me, then even

their meanings will blot through me

Even if... the endless sorrow steals you


Tell me that's there's no such thing as our

hearts separating there

words for filling our distance that was

too long aren't found

within the passing seasons, I knew I

wouldn't be able to catch you

Because I could say the days are more

then this, I can accept them

Please don't shed tears when I don't


If you'll tell me that there's no such

thing as our forgetting here

In our tomorrow we learned of through

loss, your crying

I can finally see your, bare face,

yet I can't touch it anymore

Even if... the endless sorrow steals you


Don't forget about the days you though

"Goodbye" was a lie

The sky you saw all alone and the dream

you had while we passed each other by-

They remain as they were on that day,

nothing is changing

Inside of you now and forever

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