Sword Art Online Innocent

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My hidden feelings are crying out as I hold an absolute vow

Seeking nothing but a miracle, I wander in the everlasting darkness

If I stay here, I won't ever be able to see the future again

Tonight's moon is inviting again and I still can't say those words, but I

Keep shouting them in my heart

My hidden feelings are crying out as I hold an absolute vow

If I can be just a little stronger

Then I'll go beyond this sky in front of my eyes

Then I'll reach out toward the future that lies ahead

my honest voice echoes and my eager heart is throbbing

on that map that you drew, I search for where my dream is

Light shines from between the clouds and I feel a slight jolt of pain, if I

could take off for that sky again-

The crystal- clear world is countless and I squint my eyes in its

blinding brightness

If I'm holding a strength that I can believe in to my heart

Then I'll fly around this cloudless sky

There's nothing to lose, so I'll grip my trembling fingers

and sear nothing but your innocent smile into my mind

If I grasp them at the end of an infinite episode, now the feelings

shared with you

tie the pieces of my childhood days together and make them colorful

Following the tracks of the heart that we drew together

My hidden feelings are crying out as I hold an absolute vow

If I can be just a little stronger

Then I'll go beyond this sky in front of my eyes

Then I'll reach out toward the future that lies ahead...

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