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3rd POV

Today was friday, which means it's almost the weekend. You walked to school lazily, together with Suna and the twins. Autumn slowly began to make its way to Japan too as you shivered by the cool breeze touching your bare skin.
"You want my hoodie?" You heard your boyfriend ask.
"I don't want you to be cold-"
"No, take it." And so he took off his hoodie and gave it to you. You took one last glance, to see if he really would be alright as you then put it on. You smelled his cologne, slowly blushing a small hint of red.

Suna then took a quick picture together with you, taking you off guard and making you pout a little.
"Wait- no let's take another one. I wasn't prepared-"
"Nope, it's perfect." He said, slightly smiling, obviously enjoying teasing you as he made the picture his wallpaper.
"Rin!" He giggled to himself, patting your head.

This scenario didn't go unnoticed by the twins, as they smiled at each other, admiring you two.

After a while you arrived at school, catching everyone's attention. First because of the Miya twins and second because of you wearing Suna's hoodie. You noticed how a few girls glared at you, drowning in jealousy witch made you smile at them, innocently, provoking them.

"I will make my brother give me some chemical substance to make them go blind <3" you said, brightly smiling at your boyfriend, obviously annoyed of each girl glaring at you.

This made Suna chuckle lightly as you arrived in front of your classroom.

"Have fun Rinrin, see you later." You said, giving him a quick peck on his cheek as you brightly smiled at him and waved as you walked inside.

»she definitely is way too motivated this early in the morning« he thought, smiling to himself.


The bell rang, signaling break. You walked out of class and made your way to the boys in the cafeteria.
"Hey, guys" You greeted them, brightly smiling again.

They greeted you back as you made your way next to your boyfriend.
"Y/n-Chan, what's the reason behind you bein' so over motivated today?"
"Hm? I don't know what you mean." You answered, leaning your head onto Suna's shoulder.

'Mood swings' Suna mouthed, making the others look at him in pity. You hit his thigh, making him flinch a little as you glared up to him.

After everyone was done eating, you made your way outside. You sat onto a bank together with Suna and the twins.
"Boys boys, I have an idea!" You said, lifting a finger up into the air.
"I'm scared" Suna said, making you glare at him once again as you continued to speak.
"What about we go out today and make something like a late night walk?" You suggested, your eyes glistening.
"Yeah, sounds good" Atsumu replied, making you thank him that at least he agrees with you.
"Fine." You heard your boyfriend give in.

"Atsumu is paying" Osamu said.


Practice ended at 6 p.m. as you made your ways back home to leave your things there.
"You'll take part of practice next week right?" Suna asked making you turn your attention towards him.
"Yeah I hope so but... You know that I won't be there forever. As I said, I'm planning on going to the girls' volleyball." He hummed in response.
"Oh right your hoo-"
"Keep it."
"But it's the second one I keep, you sure you don't mind?"
"I don't mind others to see who you belong to." He nodded as you smiled again and put it back on.

You then were done with preparing everything you needed as both of you walked out of your house and made your ways to the twins.

"How about we first go to McDonald's? I want nuggets" you suggested once again, smiling innocently.
"Yeah, let's go." Osamu said, making you give him a kiss through the air. Suna pinched your arm as you whined at the sudden 'pain'.

After you got your nuggets and the rest of you got their ice creams, you walked into a park in front of a lake, the moon shining right above it, the lake making it reflect on the water. It was a beautiful night again, you watching the stars.

"Sooo Samu, Tsumu..." you grinned.
"Aren't you planning on going out with someone? Like you know how many girls are crazy about you, right?!" This made the boys look at you in disgust as you tilted your head in confusion because of their expression.
"You know that the girls after us, especially from our school, are disgusting pigs. They just want fame, nothing more and they only like us because we're talented and in a somewhat famous volleyball team." Atsumu's answer made your jaw drop.
"Since when do you know so many meaningful words" you heard Suna say. You giggled at him as you spoke up again.

"Don't say that Tsumu, I'm sure there is a girl which is different. But you have a point there, the girls at our school really are, how do I put this... disgusting pigs? Anyway, how about you Samu?"
"I – surprisingly – agree with Tsumu this time. You were the only one we got to know which really didn't want just the fame."

"Did something happen in his past?" You whispered to Atsumu, furrowing your eyebrows, him shaking his head no. He mouthed 'not that I know' as you tilted your head again in confusion.

You leaned again against Suna's shoulder.
"Baby you look so tired, didn't you got enough sleep last night?" You asked him, looking up at him.
"Don't you know your boyfriend, I'm always sleepy. I slept 8 hours to be honest." This statement made you gasp dramatically.
"That's why you didn't answer my calls and texts and here you are, still tired. You're weird."
"Just like you." He smiled, caressing your cheek.

You stayed one more hour, talking about nonsense together with the twins, bullying Atsumu again and taking videos for blackmail together with Suna.

After that, you all made your ways back home.

"Good Night Rinrin" you smiled as he kissed you on the lips.
"Good night baby, sleep well." And so he left.

You closed your door and made your way back inside into your room to change and get ready for bed.

You then texted Suna.





nvm you're probably asleep >:(

However, I wanted to tell you that we'll
be going out on a date tomorrow, since you didn't ask, I did (^)

I hope you slept well, see you later sleepy head! :D


A/n: soo I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Take care of yourselves, byeee! <3

~E-Chan :)

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