Ayyyy wasup people y'all already know what time is it sorry for not writing what this bitch been doing I got busy and forgot about my nightmares ..... until yesterday
Emma decided that to scare me shitless she's gotta bring my real fears into my nightmares. Now the thing I'm terrified of is dolls I've seen the Annabel movies, I've seen chucky movies (fun fact I saw that movie when I was 6 and that's how I developed my fear) I don't like fucking with those kinda things. And to make shit worse my sister had recently gotten a new doll that is sitting right next to me dear god help- So anyway I had a nightmare that this mf doll had disappeared from where we usually put her which is a tiny chair that came with her. (Observe the picture above or if u can't see it it's fine it's not that important) in my nightmare we had just assume my sister left her somewhere so we were like "yeah whatever it's fine" ..... THAT SHIT WAS NOT FINE AT ALL. picture this I clean the dishes and make sure everything is where it needs to be. The only thing that wasn't there was the mf knife 😃 so obviously I started panicking I looked around the rooms for it and what do i see? THE FUCKING DOLL HOLDING THE KNIFE LIKE THEY DO IN THE MOVIES. At this point I'm walking out the room and trying to find everyone else I go to MY room and they're dead (I'm starting to see a pattern here) I look at my bed and the doll is there but now there's 5 of them??? I started screaming and ran out the room I turned on the stove and lit up the napkin that was in my pocket. (Don't ask) and threw it at them and watched them burn like the letters that Alexander had written Eliza before he fucked up.
And then I woke up and walked towards the doll and threw it in my closet so I can sleep
Thanks Emma for now getting me paranoid about where the knives go and if the doll we have is haunted Fucking thank you. Anyway I got a lot of homework to do so peace ✌️
My nightmares
AcakIt's like it says in the title its the nightmares I've been having since I've visited that abandoned church with my cousins pretty sure a spirit attached themselves to me but meh can't mess up what's already ruin anyways feel free to read