Meeting the daughter

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The sky was rumbling softly, clouds had gathered all around and the petrichor had already started to seep in the air. Win sighed while he stripped out of the muddy sweats, he had been working on the garden for five hours straight because he suspected that it would rain by the night and he had to dig out the mud and mix it for natural replenishing. It was a chore but necessary for the new batch of flowers he had planned for the backyard garden.

 He had been doing it since he was 14, the day when he chose tree planting as his “for the nature” campaign in school. Everyone was pretty sure that the Neem Plant that was planted in the backyard of his family house will be abandoned to fend for itself after the project because Win had never been a constant doer with any of his hobbies.

He had bought a guitar to learn music at the age of 12 and abandoned it 6 months later.

He had declared that he wanted to be a reader at the age of 10 but had not completed half of the biography before he was bored.

Basketball had seen the same fate at the age of 9.

So it came as a surprise when he watered the tree every morning even months after the project and spent his allowance buying nutrients, he even started reading botanical books and plants became the best friends he always searched for in other hobbies, and what had started as a school project easily became a passionate hobby. And then his profession.

 He had different herbs planted on his Grandparents farm for them to use, by the time he was 16, so that they could use medicinal plants straight from their backyard. His likings to planting was a surprise to his family but everyone supported him nonetheless.

Now at the age of 25, he was a proud florist and also owned a small Plant nursery used for retail and display simultaneously. He was also doing a thesis on “future of the plants on the modern Earth” for his Phd in Botanical science. Plants had very much become the essence of him.

The warm shower helped easing the sore muscles but he figured a Cup of Hot Chocolate was long overdue, his body needed the sugar. So, he prepared a cup for himself and decided to sit on the porch for a while, he had always loved the smell of the first rain and the gentle breeze was soothing the scorching heat the city had been facing for a while now. He leaned on the fence he shared with his neighbour, Aom, Aom had also become a very good friend of his over the years he lived in this small neighbourhood. The houses were good and posch, in the outskirts of Bangkok and it was no way possible for him to live in a house this nice if his grandparents hadn't rented it to him because it was closer to his work.

Aom was also a freelance coder, and worked from home because she also managed a Daycare. It was something she had started six months back so that she could take care of the maintenance of the house which she had inherited from her deceased mother. Win had taken care of her every now and then and they had become each other’s confidant along the way. She was like a sister he never had. And the sounds of kids' laughter was refreshing whenever he was home during the day. Aom was pretty good with kids.

Someone was tapping at the fence he leaned on. He decided to look over the side of Aom’s Porch to see what caused the tapping. 

A little girl sat on the other side, her head tapping on the wooden fence in a repetitive manner while her focus was aptly on the rubik's cube in her hand, her hair were made in pigtails while she sat on the chair curling herself. She seemed very cute by the little of the face he could see of her.

Win decided to not call her attention till she is done solving the cube.

He watched from over the fence a small smile graced his face while the little girl focused on her cube, taking exactly five more minutes to solve it.

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