Tag 2. From caramelfantic

25 0 10

Welp, Caramel gave me this one so...yeah. Another tag full of stuff you didn't need to know. Well, WOOPDEEDOO I'll just power through this thing, shall I? 

There was no picture for this one. 

1. Name: Cat Tabby Laura Stripes (It's a mishmash, I'm not explaining it)

2. Birth Date: July 9th. 

3. Birth Place: Some hospital in ___________, Louisiana. 

4. Favorite singer: uhhh, n/a? The Beatles, I guess. 

5. Favorite dancer: wait, what? n/a. 

6. Shoe size: I forgot. And I'm not getting up to figure out this obscure fact. 

7. Favorite band: The Beatles, but mostly just one album(what, I'm not getting all their songs, there's like a million). 

8. Favorite book: HOW CAN YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE!?!? Fine. One book I like is Flora and Ulysses. 

9. Favorite writer: See above answer. Except without the Flora and Ulysses thing. 

10. Favorite sweets: I LOVE caramel, but I can't eat it at the moment. 

11. Favorite food: My mom's cooking. You'd be surprised how much amazing stuff you can make that's vegetarian. Her butternut squash soup is to die for. 

12. Favorite subject: I like Science, History, and sometimes Math, but ELA is my favorite this year. 

13. Least favorite subject: GYM. IT'S TORTURE!




I'm too tired to do more. 

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