Comfortable Confinement

911 15 2

It was early in the morning when you woke up. You felt drowsy as usual and maintained your position, hoping to doze off again. Sleep never came, however, because a few minutes later some solders came in the room. It wasn't until a second later that they were escorting Dr. Maynard into the room. She smiled and made a beckoning wave.

Dr. Maynard: Ready to go somewhere more comfy? C'mon, I'll tell you on the way.

You got up and chose to follow, walking behind Dr. Maynard with the solders, which you recognized as Black and White, behind you.

You: So, what's going on?

Dr. Maynard: Area-500 has been fixed up in record time! Didn't Dr. Bright tell you about that?

You: Yeah, he said that's where I'll be staying. By the way, where is Dr. Bright?

She gave a thoughtful look before answering, opening a door to the roof, which had a bigger helicopter than the one you rode yesterday.

Dr. Maynard: Dr. Bright is very busy right now, but he will be at Area-500 soon enough. Dr. Clef, one of our other talented scientists, will be managing you for the time being.

You both got in the helicopter, followed by Black and White. Dr. Maynard never stopped her conversation and was quick to relay information.

Dr. Maynard: It seems that the damage done to Area-500 wasn't a major casualty, but the on-site warhead could have went off, so we didn't want to take any chances. From what I was told from the report, something quite strange happened there.

You: Do you know what? Everyone was freaking out.

She nodded. Grabbing her small notebook that she used to put her notes down earlier and jotted something down before turning back to you.

Dr. Maynard: I don't, not yet. but we'll find out in a few minutes.

In those few minutes, which turned out to be half an hour, You and Dr. Maynard talked about your previous life, and your uncle. She seemed reluctant to talk about it, but it was nice to have someone to talk to. Suddenly, the helicopter flew over a wide terrain of grass with a large building with smaller building connected and strewn about the area. Your stop was on the roof, where someone looked to be waiting for you.

It wasn't until you got out that you got that you got a good look at the man. He was wearing one of the foundations signature lab coats like Dr. Maynard, and you could see he had a small gun in a holster on his right side. He looked normal, a muscular frame that matched his strong chin and face. Aside from his scuffed facial hair and his messy chestnut hair, which was partially obscured by a baseball cap, he looked alright. The only thing that set you off was a ukulele he had set on his back. The man bent down at your level and spoke.

???: Hello. You must be the new subject.

You: My names Y/N...

Dr. Clef: Y/N... alright, I suppose that will do. My name is officially Dr. Alto Clef, and I will be monitoring you. Dr. Maynard, could you please take him to Lab C? Its Straight down the second hallway on the right. Thanks.

With that, he just left. You made a confused expression as he walked away. Dr. Maynard beckoned you to follow, as she followed Dr. Clefs instructions to reach your destination. It wasn't too far away, and it was definitely a lab. You didn't get any time to scope it out though, because Dr. Maynard was leading you to a stool in a corner of the room.

Before you were even seated, A loud voice called across the room at Dr. Maynard, making her jump. She turned around, a smile starting to form.

Dr. Maynard: Stephanie? Is that really you? I thought you were a cobra!

Stephanie?: Its me, but I'm still technically a Cobra.

The woman named Stephanie came into view, and you flinched as you saw what she was. She was a... Cobra lady? Probably another SCP. The two exchanged hugs before the snake woman addressed you.

Dr. Scarcliffe: Greetings. My names Dr. Scarcliffe, and i will be assisting Dr. Maynard. Sorry for my appearance, but trust me; its a work in progress.

Dr. Maynard became ecstatic. It became clear to you that they were friends.

Dr. Maynard: But... How? How are you not a snake anymore?

Dr. Scarcliffe: The event that happened here... It changed a lot of things. I'll fill you in later. For now, we gotta get this little guy situated so he can do tests later. Bright says he could be an Alpha.

You: Whats an Alpha?

The Doctor gave you a look, then smiled.

Dr. Scarcliffe: You'll know if you are one, which we'll be testing later. You'll be going with Dr. Maynard to your... room. To settle in before testing. Any questions?

You: Yeah... how did you become a snake?

She was quick to answer, and very blunt too.

Dr. Scarcliffe: A magic Zipper. I was unzipped by a magic zipper and turned into a snake, before I was given partial humanity AND my legs back by a mist. That make sense?

You: No...

Dr. Scarcliffe: I figured. Dr. Maynard, off you go!

Dr. Maynard: Wait, a mist?

Dr. Scarcliffe whispered to Dr. Maynard, who made an understanding nod. She led you across the hallway to a large room.

It had a bed, a loveseat and a T.V all ready to go. Dr. Maynard beckoned you to go inside.

Dr. Maynard: Now, get yourself comfortable and acquainted. There's some drinks in the mini-fridge by your bed if you get thirsty, and you'll be fed after testing. It'll take about 30 minutes to set up, so just relax.

She smiled, and the door closed. You could see her walk away to the lab, but you weren't interested. You went right to the bed and laid down. It turned out to be quite nice, and you fell asleep.


(Thanks for reading! See you guys later!)

Redacted (Male SCP Reader X Various SCP's)Where stories live. Discover now