Chapter 3

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We were walking to the parking lot in silence, which didnt bother me at all. Once we both arrived to my car Ross leaned on the cars door looking at me.

"What?" I asked him
"What happened back there?"
"Well i got hungry and went to get food. Then i was gonna pay but he ended up oaying for it. I told him couldve done it myself. He then turned all flirty i told him about me having a boyfriend. He said you wont have to know since its only gonna be a one nighter." I breathed out. Wooo i ran out of air.

I see that ross was reading me to see if i was telling the truth. Which i was.

"next time be more careful."

I just nodded.
He pinned me gently on my car and started kissing my neck.
"Ross..not here or now." I bit my lip to prevent a moan from coming out.
I could feel Ross smirking as he continued.
"Ross stop." Knowing Ross he wasnt gonna stop until he felt like it. Thats one thing i dislike about him.. I just sighed quietly. As i let him finish.

After a few minutes he finaly stopped.
"Ill pick you up in an hour" he winked and left to his car.

Great i only have an hour to get ready. I went in my car and looked at myself in the mirror. He left hickies on me. jerk, he knows i dont like them.

I went home and started getting ready.

Its 7:54 now, i went to my mirror to see how i looked. And if i do say so myself i looked hot. Buf the thing that messed it up was the damn hickies i couldnt cover. I went downstairs and waited for Ross to get here.

I checked the time its 7:56 Ross should be here in a few minutes. I turned the Tv on and went on netflix to watch the believe movie. Its so inspiring (it really is you should watch it..)

The movie was almost half way done and Ross hasnt even arrived yet. I checked the time its now 8:40, almost an hour late.
I grabbed my phone and dialed him.

"Hey babe whats up?"
I can hear loud music coming from behind him. He's at another party.
"Whats up? Ross you said you'd pick me up at 8 its almost 9"
I argued
"Oh, im sorry i'll pick you up right now "
"Are u at a party?" I asked him, obviously i knew already.
"Pshh, n-yeahh. Anyway im on my way to pick you up."

I dont even wanna go to that party. All the party he goes to are drunk people all those nasty things. I just wanted to spend some ACTUAL time with him.

After a few minutes i hear the doorbell ring, i go and open it.
"He- woah what are you wearing?" He asked looking at my fancy dress.
"I thought we were gonna go out together but i see we arent." I tolled ny eyes
"Sorry, and go get changed into something party like so we can go already."

See what i mean. Ugh!

I went to change into new party clothes(its the one in the pic up there)
I got done and went downstairs i grabbed my phone and went out the house. Ross closed the house door and locked it, then opened the car doors.

I got in and ignored Ross.

"Babe you arent seriously gonna get mad over this are you?"

I ignored him and then he started driving.

We got to a house that was blasting music. Ross got out and opened my door . I stepped out and began walking in the house.
"Your welcome!"
First nice thing you ever do.

We both went in and i could feel eyes all over me. This is why i dont like this parties.

Ross led me to his group of guy friends who seem to be playing truth or dare.

"Sup guys!" Ross hand fist the 6 guys.
"Say bro who's that nice chick you got there next to you?" A brunette guy asked ross while winking at me. Ew.
"Thats my girlfriend, lay eyes on her again and i'll make sure she'll be the last thing you'll look at." Ross told him in a serious voice which kinda scared me

"Chill. I was just asking." The brunette raised his hands in surrender.

"So what are you guys doing?"
I seemed stupid im just standing there not even knowing what to say.

"We're playing truth or dare. Wanna join?" He asked ross with a smirk, why do guys smirk? I mean its hot and all but why?

"Sure" ross sat down pulling me on his lap.

They were playing there for a few minutes. i was getting bored so i got up from ross' lap, just to get pulled down on him again .
"Where are you going?" He whispered in my ear, which sent tingles to my skin.
"Im just gonna get a drink." I simply replied still mad at him.
"Bring me one and dont talk to any guy."
I rolled my eyes and went to get drinks.

I went back to where ross was just to see some girls flirting with him.

A bunch of anger boiled in me. ESpecially because Ross was flirting back!
I stand in my spot far away just watching what he'll do.

I see the chick leaving but then ross touches her thigh! And she turns around giggling. She's about to leave again but rpss goes do it again. She comes back and seats on his lap.

He finally pushed my limits i felt tears in my eyes.
I went up to him and the chick, and slapped him.

He held his cheek and looked at me. It hurt me more than him, its painful hurting the one you love.

"How can you be flirting with a girl when you're dating me?!"
I slapped him again
"Owe. And Laur its nothing im not kissing her am i?" He's unbelivable!

"No big deal ross? No big deal?" I shook my head
"Ok.. Im tired of giving my 100% on this relationship when you dont even give 10%... " i was about to leave but he pulled my wrist.
"You know i hate it when people pull my wrist ross!" I yanked my arm away and apped him one more time.

I walked out the party and began walking home.

It sux right? Yeah i know
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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