Chapter 2

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My phone kept buZzing causing me to wake up. I checked the time it was barely 12 , ugh. I see that i have 2 new texts

"Good morning babe"
"Today im taking you on a date at 8 so be ready by then, love you"

I smiled while reading the last two words.
I decided to go and take a shower.

I washed and cleaned myself. I got out and walked in my room. Today's going to be a great day i can feel it.

I went to my closet to see what to wear. I picked some ripped short shorts and a crop top that said "I ❤️Wi-Fi" then grabbing my black converse.

I changed and put a bit of make up on. Im not the type that wears a lot of make up.
I grabbed my phone and laid on my bed texting, going through instagram an twitter.

I saw that i havent posted on instagram in 2weeks. Oops. I walked infront of my full size body mirror and took a selfie.
"And post" i said to myself.
Now to caption,
"Happy Saturday loves" and add a heart emoji.

My phone started ringin it was Ross

"Hey Rossy"

"Hey princess, what you up to?"

"Haha nothing just took a shower. And right now im texting and talking to you. What about you?"

"Nothing much just writing some music. Did you get my texts?"

"Yes, i cant wait. I love you"

"Love you too princess, see u later today, i got to finish this few songs."

"Okay bye"

"Bye laur."

I hung up. I dont know what to do now.
I went to open the balcony doors, it feels beautiful. I leaned on the balcony and enjoyed the day.

I went back in the room but left the doors open. I decided i should re-decorate my room. Yeah i should do that.

I started putting everything on my bed then started from there. It took me 2 hoirs to finish but it was all worth it. I had a heart shaped collage with pictures of me and ross. Next to it i had a quote.

"Each girl has that ONE boy she will NEVER loose feelings for."

I smiled at my success of decoration. I looked at the time it was barely 3:59 great.
Maybe i could go out and explore meanwhile and maybe buy myself something for tonight.

I drove to the mall and looked at clothes, i bought a lot of cute stuff, which im pretty excited to wear.

I got hungry so i went to the mall food court and ordered some tacos. Right when i was going to pay some random guy i dont even know existed paid for me.

"Uhh thank you, but i couldve paid for that myself." I told him as i left to my table.
He followed me which made me a bit uncomfortable.
"No problem princess. But i cant let a beauty like you waste her money." He then took a seat infront of me.


"Uh not to sound rude , but i dont know you so could you leave?"
I asked politely but a tad bit of annoyed.

"Sure but can i hve your number?" Will he ever leave?

"No im taken so bye."
"So? Your boyfriend doesnt have to know" he smirked

What a jerk.
"Since you wont leave i will." I got up leaving my food. Bit then the jerk pulled my wrist.

Ok one oweee!
Second who does he think he is??!

"Cmon i can make you feel special."

"Let me go!, i already feel special woth my boyfriend!"
I tried pulling away but he was stronger, no shocker there.

"Cmon your boyfriend wont even know, its just a one nighter."

i then see someone i didnt expect to see, he grabbed the guy from the shoulder and turned him.

"Go away dude im busy." He went to grab my wrist again but ross pulled him back again

"Whats your deal man?"

"The deal is that your trying to fuck my girl" ross pushed him back
"And i dont like when guys touch whats mine."

Its true if ross saw a guy coming near or trying to touch me he'll get pissed off.

The guy then pushed ross which was a big mistake because ross doesnt like being pushed around by boys.

Just as i was gonna say something ross attacked the guy.

"Ross stop!"
I tried pulling him off but he was WAY stronger

I see security coming
"Ross security is coming cmon!!"
I pulled his arm and ran out the mall.
Hehehe not the full chap but enjoy it
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