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When you got home you decided to sit on your couch and turn on the TV. After a while, you heard a knock on your door. You looked at the clock, it was only 5, so you were unsure who it could be. 

You opened the door and Nemuri came right in before you could say anything.

"Hey girl, sorry I'm early! I was way too excited!" She had a large bag with her and she started walking around you apartment and you closed the door.

"Hey Nemuri." 

"You have a really nice place here!" She said opening your closet and looking through your coats and other hanging clothes. "So he'll be here at eight?" 


"Well I brought a couple different outfits from my personal closet for you to try!" She winked. "So what are you two doing?"

"Honestly I'm not sure... Should I text him and ask?"

"Hmm... Yeah I would! You don't want to dress all casual if he takes you somewhere fancy."

"Yeah that makes sense." You said as you took out your phone to text him.

*So hey, I was wondering where we will be going tonight? I want to make sure I dress appropriately.*

You didn't realize that Nemuri was hovering over your shoulder as you texted him, so her response made you jump.


Your face turned immediately red. As red as a tomato. "Nemuri... please don't tell anyone, I'm not sure if he wants to make it known to the faculty or not..."

"My lips are sealed!!" She squealed. "This is even more exciting now!!" She went over and sat on your couch and you sat down with her.

"Yeah, he walked with me to go to the bar last night and then he walked me home. I guess he lives like right down the road." You were smiling, happy to know that you had a friend to talk too. "Then he met me here this morning and that's when he asked me out."

"Wow, you go girl! You've only worked at the school for two days and you already have a boyfriend! A hot one too!" She winked again. She did that a lot.

"I wouldn't say he was my boyfriend." We haven't even had a date yet." You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and you pulled it out.

~It's a surprise. ;) You don't have to dress up, casual is fine.~

"Was that him?" 

"Yeah, he said the date is a surprise but casual was fine."

"Let's look through some of your clothes then!" You both got up and Nemuri followed you to your bedroom. She immediately went through your dresser, and also kept leaving to look at your closet. She went back and fourth for a while when she came back holding a long sleeve black shit, a skirt and tights. "These tights are mine! As well as these boots. I was looking at your shoes and saw we were the same size." She smiled while taking off the boots she was wearing.

"Wait... you want me to wear your boots...?" 

"Well duh!" She handed you the clothes. "Now put these on!" 

You put the clothes on and looked in the mirror. You looked cute.

 You looked cute

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You walked over to your jewelry box on your dresser and put on a gold necklace. "The tights are a nice touch." You admitted. "I forgot I had this skirt though honestly."

"You look sexy!" Nemuri smirked. "Maybe you'll get some action tonight." She said with another wink.

You blushed and started to fumble over your words. "W-what? N-no w-way. W-well..."

Nemuri's eyebrows immediately raised. "...What do you mean well?? Do you want too??"

You looked down at your feet. "I don't know. I just met him." You sighed and slumped down on your bed. "Nemuri, I am 30 years old. I have never been in a relationship."

She sat down next to you and put her hand on your shoulder. "(Y/N), That's okay. That doesn't make you weird or less of a person. Just be yourself tonight." 

You buried your face in your hands and let out a long sigh. "I guess." you mumbled. You looked at Nemuri, concern in your eyes. "How will i know if I'm ready for 'action'" you used air quotes with the word. "Like, what if I do feel ready, and we like, fuck or something, and then I find out that's all he wanted and he pushes me to the side."

Nemuri grabbed your shoulders and looked into your eyes with a very serious look. "(Y/N), I have known Shota for years. He would never, ever do that. I promise."

"I believe you." You took a deep breath and got up off your bed. "I don't know why I'm worried about that stuff. It's literally been two days." You sighed and walked back out to your couch and sat down. Nemuri followed behind and found a seat next to you. 

"If there's a connection, then there's a connection." She shrugged. "I've had sex on the first date a few times, but I'm a little different I guess."

"How will I know there's a connection?" You asked. You had just met Nemuri, but you felt like you could talk to her and be honest.

She shrugged. "Honestly? You just know." She put her hand on your shoulder again. "You'll be okay."  After she said this, she gave you a kind smile. You went to thank her, but before you could you heard a knock at your door. You both immediately pulled out your phones and saw the time, it was 7:55. 

"How did the time go by so fast?" You panicked.

"Answer the door! Don't leave him waiting!" 

"Right right..." You ran to the door, and then tripped. You fell flat on the floor. Nemuri slapped her face and got up and answered the door. Shota was standing there confused. 

"Nemuri?" He cocked and eyebrow then glanced over at you struggling to get off the floor. He couldn't help but laugh at the site of it. He walked over and helped you up. "So what are you doing here?"He looked back at Nemuri.

"Oh we were just having some girl time before your... date." She winked.

Shota looked back at you and laughed. "So you two are buddies now?" 

"She figured it out by reading my texts over my shoulder." You sighed. She came over to help me get ready. You know, girl time."

Shota laughed. "That's really nice, are you ready to go?"

"Yes absolutely!" You smiled.

Nemuri sat down on your couch and you looked at her confused. 

"What?" She asked. "Don't rush back, I am just going to be here when you get back. If  you come back." She winked. "I'm gonna want to hear about it." 

"Oh... okay?" Shota held the door open for you and you both headed out. You both began to walk towards the center of town. "So what do you have planned?"

Shota just smiled, and then he reached down and grabbed your hand, making you blush.

"Just trust me, like I said It's a surprise."

You then continued down the street and anxiously awaited the surprise Shota had in store for you.

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