Chapter 4: Broken Yet Stronger

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The Quinjet flew in the clouds as the avengers escape the very damaged they caused and were caused on them. They all sat in silence, deeply rattled. "The news is living you guys. Not everyone else." Hills informs them over the video. "There has been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." she informs them, Tony walks towards the video. "Stark relief foundation?" he asks her, "Already on the scene." she answers. "How's the team?" she asks.

Tony looks back at the others, Banner pulls the blanket tighter, Steve sat in his chair, barely saying a world. Natasha looked to be in a trance, Thor paces as he rubs his knuckles as Millie remains curled in to herself, face buried in her arms. The pressed memories still flickering in her head. "Everyone's... we took a hit. We'll shake it off." He answers him. "Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here." Hill informs him.

Millie pulls back and pressed her back against the wall, "So, run and hide?" Tony asks her. "Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer." she informs him as he looks back at his rattled team. "Neither do we." he said then turns back, turning the video off and he steps up next to Clint. "Hey, you wanna switch out?" he asks him. "No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, because we're still few hours out." Clint assures him.

Tony just blinks, "Few hours from where?" he asks him, "A safe house." Clint answers and kept flying straight.


It was already morning as they arrive at this safe house, house in the middle of a valley. Once the Quinjet lands, everyone files out from the craft and walk towards the house, Clint helps Natasha walk as Steve helps his sister walk as well.

They pass the wood fence, looking up at the house in front of them as it was nicely done. "What is this place?" Thor asks as they step onto the porch. "Safe house." Tony ask as they were at the front door. "Let's hope." Clint tells them and they step inside the house, walking towards the living room. "Honey? I'm home." Clint calls out.

A woman steps out from the dining room and looks at the people that entered her house. "Hi. Company. Sorry, didn't call ahead." Clint informs her. She places the papers down and walks up to him, "Hey." she said as he walks up to her and perks her on the lips.

Millie smiles at them as everyone was confused, "This is an agent of some kind." Tony states as he voiced the shock. Then she looks her shoulder at Millie, "Long time no see, stranger." she states. Millie chuckles as she steps forward and hugs her, "Sorry, I got caught up in my own drama, I couldn't call." she answers, Clint's wife just giggles at her.

Everyone blinks as they were getting even more confused, the woman pulls back and notice Millie's complexion, brushing back her hair "You're pale, what's wrong?" she asks her, Millie just sighs. "I'll tell you later." she assures her and walks over towards the couch and sat down. "Gentlemen, this is Laura." Clint introduces her.

Laura smile as she waves, "I know all your names." she said with a chuckle, they all smiled at her, but then heard approaching footsteps, "Ooh, incoming." Clint whispers as he steps away from Laura and catches the young children that ran at him. "Dad!" the girl said with joy, "Hi, sweetheart!" Clint said as he picks her ruffles his son's hair. "Hey, buddy! How are you guy's doing?" he asks as he hug them both.

This confuses the avengers as Millie sat forward and smiles, "These are smaller agents." Tony states as he couldn't find the right explanation "Look at your face! Oh my goodness." Clint said to his children, setting his daughter down. "Did you bring Auntie Nat and Auntie Millie?" Lila asks Clint, catching Natasha's attention. "Why do you hug them to find out." he said and Lila ran to Natasha's catching her as the boy steps over to Millie and they did their handshake. "Dear god, Laura, what are you feeding this boy, he'll outgrown me by the time he's 15." Millie jokes, making them laugh.

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