Chapter 2

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I pulled into the daycare parking lot. 'Flora's child care' the small sign hanging on the outside read.

"You excited for your first day?" I asked Messiah. He was in the back seat watching PJ Mask on his new tablet his daddy bought him for his birthday.

"Yes mommy" he replied back clearly. My baby was getting so big, nobody understands how big of a blessing my son is to me.
I pulled under the pavilion, parking.
"You want mommy to walk you in?" I turned my head, looking back at Messiah. My baby was swaged out for his first day.

He wore a matching gray Polo set with a pair of brown Timberlands

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He wore a matching gray Polo set with a pair of brown Timberlands. He snatched his pacifier out his mouth as he began to talk, "no mommy" he said still focused into his tablet.

Oop, no he didn't just say no. "Well too bad" I said sticking my tongue out at him.
This was the third care center I would be sending my baby to. Others are just too expensive, I just couldn't keep up with the bills.

We walked up to the front door, stopping. "Give mommy a kiss" I bent down, poking out my lips, messiah stood, looking down at me. He knows he got a crazy mommy but oh well, he gon have to deal with me the rest of his long life.

"Don't embarrass the boy". A voice spoke, as the door swung open. A tall Nike walked out, speaking.

I stuttered trying to talk at first.
"Hey Nike" I mumbled, managing to get out. I go up facing my body his direction. Messiah scooted himself up under my leg trying to hide, he didn't like meeting new people, my baby was a shy person. That's not his fault.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"Oh me, I was just dropping off my little nephew for my sister" he replied. He looked down, locking eyes with my baby.

"And you must be Messiah?" Nike asked, bending down sticking out his hand to shake.
Messiah eyed him for a little, but ending up making a decision with a firm handshake.

"How'd you know my name?" Messiah slowly creeped from under me out of curiosity. Nike stayed still for a minute thinking about his response.
"Lil dude, you remember the time god brought you over to your beautiful mommy" he asked talking to Messiah.

Messiah took a minute to think. "Mhm" he nodded his head up and down.

"I was there with your mommy ready to meet you, I even took part in naming you kid" Messiah smiled as Nike spoke.
"You were a little baby at that time, if you don't remember" I spoke up. Nike looked up at me, he had a look in his eye. A certain look I haven't seen from him in a while, Pain.

I stared down at him just wondering. Why? Why does god keep placing this man in my life? What's the lesson? I broke eye contact.
"Well, We get going. I gotta sign Messiah in before he's late, nice running into you" I grabbed Messiahs hand heading for the front door.

Before i could grab the handle I was cut off.

"Aye... about last week" Nike stood in front of the door, not letting me by. Oh lord, not this.

"What about it?" I mumbled, getting annoyed. I was not tryna associate with this man right now, especially about this.

"Ion like how everything ended off. Let me pay you back for that hold incident" he looked me up and down, nigga what?

"Huh" I asked, looking at him with a dumb face. He pause for a minute thinking of a way to reword it I guess.
"Aye, lil man. How would you feel if I took your mommy out somewhere special?" Nike squatted back down talking with Messiah.

Messiah shook his head side to side no. That's my boy!
Nike took a deep breath in thinking.

"Ill treat her like the princess she is" he spoke, changing Messiahs mind. Messiah shot a smile across his face, nodding his head yes. A smirk came across Nikes face as well as he gazed up at me.

"Who's side are you on?" I scrunched my face up at Messiah.

Nike laughed at the betrayal.
"So what do you say?" Nike asked, getting down on one knee as he joked. This boy just can't be serious for one second.

I went to straight up say no, but that would just be mean of me. I caught myself before a word slipped out. "Nike, I don't even have anything to wear" I spoke up, correcting myself.

"Then come naked" Nike smirked tryna be funny.
"Oh shit, excuse my language...Oh god there I go again, I'm sorry" Nike covered his mouth.
Giggles came out Messiah mouth, as he laughed at the joke.

I shook my head side to side in disbelief, he done turned my baby against me!

"Come on man" Nike crossed his arms, sucking his teeth.

I looked from Messiah to him, they were both giving me the puppy dog eyes.
"Fine" I finally broke.
"Im free tomorrow after work" I said, not too excitedly.

"mommy can I go?" Messiah asked, lightly pulling on my black tights.

"Lil man, I don't know about this time. But, if your mommy goes and enjoys her time. Me, you, and mommy can plan a day to do whatever you want, how does that sound?" Nike held out his arm, for a fist bump.

Messiah thought about his offer before answering. He nodded up and down, pounding fists.

"Sounds like a deal" Nike spoke, looking my way. I rolled my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Whatever. Can I go inside?" I asked, waiting for him to move. He nodded, moving out the way. He held the door wide open for us to go through, I swayed my hips as I walked past. "Thank you" I complimented. "And I know you only holding that door just to look at my ass, nasty" I mumbled as I went by.

I could hear chuckled leaving his mouth as I walked away. I knew this nigga too well, he ain't slick!

To be continued....

Too Young To Be A Mother: Sequel Where stories live. Discover now