Chapter 5

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I walked into the house, Alex was fast asleep upstairs. I creeped up the steps, going up into Alex's room.

As I thought, she was knocked out cold. It was 1:45 am, i been busy at the trap all day. Me, Nike, Chris, and Marvin pulled up around twelve this afternoon, and been busy working since. I slid over to Alex's house, I really ain't feel like hearing Nattily's mouth tonight about me coming in late. She comes over here and there to the crib when I'm not busy. She had crashed at the crib last night, she was out late, drinking at some party with a few friends. She called me, straight shit faceted around twelve last night, I told her to crash at my place till she sobered up. I ain't want her in that car with them folks I don't know for too long especially while she's drunk, can't trust people now a days.
I had a spare key under the mat outside, so she got in easily.

I walked over to the bed, placing a soft kiss onto Alex's forehead. "Mm, hey babe" Alex mumbled as she moved around a little. "Go back to sleep" I whispered to her, making my way over, into the bathroom.

I did a quick number one, then went and washed my hands.
The warm water ran on my palms as I moved them around. I turned off the water, snatching a paper towel off the roll. My eyes were traveling around the room. They locked with something unexpected. A purple and white box, sitting collecting dust on the counter top.

"What the fuck" I mumbled reading the words on top, in my head. Without hesitation, I lifted my hands from the scrunched up paper towel resting in it, scavenging through the small black trash bin.

There it was, there it really was. A positive pregnancy test rested in the grip of my fingers, this better be a joke, or one of her little friends or something!

Man this girl got me fucked up today.

I left the bathroom, still touting the test with me. "Yo Alex, what the fuck is this?" I woken her, I threw the test her way, hitting her with weary in my expression.

"I was gon talk about with you, sometime soon" she wiped the sleepiness out her eyes, lifting up that big ass head.

"So wussup? It's yours?" I asked. It was a stupid question, of course it's hers, it was in her bathroom. If it was one of her little friends they most likely would've used the guests. She nodded her head slowly, hesitant to answer.
I took a deep breath, shaking my head. This news almost brought me to my knees. I sat on the edge of bed, tryna comprehend everything I was just told. Alex was still going on about something but I wasn't listening, she just sounded like muffles to my ears.

"You already know what to do" I spoke up, cutting her off.

"Excuse me?" She jerked her face back as if she was shocked. She already knew what was up, I wasn't ready for no kids. I already got two bad ass ones, I love them to death but them motherfuckers birth control for me!

"You already know what the fuck is up, you should've been had that took care of, I ain't ready for no kid" I replied, I may have came off harsh when I didn't mean to. But Alex already know what  the move is, she already know the shit I gotta go through with the kids I already do have, the struggles I gotta go through to provide. Shit we both young as fuck anyway, tryna do something with our lives, we ain't got the time to be taking care of no newborn baby, we ain't even together! I can already see this going to shit if we do keep this baby.

"Alright Ray" Alex spoke. Her voice was filled with disappointment, I don't think she even wanted to argue, I didn't either because I knew what the decision was gon be at the end of the day. She gon have to catch the next nigga bout this one.

She was something different, and I definitely do see a future with this girl, just not now. I want to marry this girl and start a family one day, but we need to get our shit together first. Shit is already hard trying to raise two three year olds. I'm not trying to add a newborn to the mix.

I got up, going over to Alexes side of the bed. I pulled her into my arms placing passionate kisses on her lips reputedly.
"You know we not ready for this, right" I said, looking down gazing into her eyes. She just don't understand how much this could fuck up my future goals if we did continue with this. Nattily would be pissed at me, she probably not gon let me see my daughter. Moms gon definitely be pissed at me, shit she bout killed me bout Messiah. Her and Tray.
Alex nodded her head, pocking her her bottom lip. "I'm sorry" she mumbled to me.

"For what?" I questioned. She hesitated to answer at first, "nothing" she answered. She didn't have to apologize, it takes too to tango, there's just too much to lose, for the both of us.

"We got this, everything's gon be straight" I told her. She fake smiled a bit.

Damn my life is really a movie.

To be continued....

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