Summer's End

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A/N Sorry if you don't like the first part of this chapter and feel that Hermione acts a little OOC. If you do, I agree. I'm not super happy with the first half of this chapter, but I felt that it was needed.

Also, since I use a quote (with MLA) in this chapter I should probably do another disclaimer: the wizarding world belongs to J.K. Rowling, not me. That is why I'm on a fanfiction website, not writing official canon.

Ginny's POV

The day before we all left for Diagon Alley, Hermione showed up at the Burrow. "Hermione!" I squealed. Yes, my family and Harry were great, but it was nice to have a girl around for once.

"Ginny," she said, giving me a welcome hug. "It's so good to see you again. Just a minute, let me put my trunk in your room really quick.

"Umm." I guess nobody had told her about the bond. "You can't stay in my room."

Hermione looked perplexed. "Why not? It's where your mom said I would be staying when she invited me over last year."

Harry came up behind me. "Because Harry and I formed a soul bond," I said. Harry nodded and grabbed my hand. I relaxed a bit, Harry and I had been apart for a few hours and we always got a bit tense when we did that. 

Hermione's hands flew to her mouth. "But I thought those are a myth!"

Harry and I looked at each other. "We thought so too."

Now, I want to make something clear. I love Hermione. But she can sometimes be a bit single-minded in her hunt for knowledge. So without any warning she dropped her trunk, grabbed my hand, dragged me to the parlor, and started to grill me for knowledge. 

She asked all sorts of questions, some that I wasn't very willing to answer, and asked me to demonstrate the bond with Harry by asking me how he was feeling and stuff like that. I replied that he was cranky and annoyed, but she missed the implications. Then I reminded her that Harry and I needed contact to maintain the bond, but she still missed the implications. I had hoped that somebody else would interupt, but it seemed nobody wanted to mess with Hermione on a warpath.

At this point, it had been over two and a half hours (including before Hermione arrived, she had only been at the Burrow for 30 minutes), and Harry and I had barely had any contact at all, just those few seconds of hand holding when Hermione had first come in. As a result, we were both cranky and a bit tired. My headache was starting to throb, and I knew that Harry was feeling the same way. But I also knew that he didn't want to interupt, probably out of respect for Hermione. But after five more minutes, Hermione wasn't even giving me a chance to answer. She was just overwhelmed by the chance to research something she had never expect to see.

Harry finally had had enough, and he walked into the parlor. Hermione, in her excitment, jumped up and started to question him too. But the issue was that she was between Harry and I. So Harry just shoved her out of the way. We were feeling to bad to notice, but when Harry shoved Hermione there had been a golden flash and Hermione had flown ten feet into a wall, where she slumped to the floor, unconscious. 

At this point, my headache was so bad I couldn't see more than five feet in front of me, and it was exponentially getting worse. Harry just walked over to me, sat down, wrapped me up in a hug, and buried his face in my hair. I was all to grateful as I returned the hug and rested my face on his neck.

After I don't know how long though, we were interrupted by people barging in.

"OI," Ron shouted. "What did you two do?"

"Oh my goodness," my mother said, hurrying over to Hermione. That's when I first saw Hermione.

"Merlin! What happened!" I asked, horrified by what I saw.

"Umm Ginny," Harry said looking at me. "I think that was us." Everyone looked at us, scared. Harry and I were scared. We had knocked Hermione out, maybe given her a concussion, without even know it.

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