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A/N ahhh so many notes, sorry! for me to start this story again we need to discard the ending chapter. I'm not going to delete it, just act like we are starting from chapter 18. I'm starting off with a shorter chapter to get back into the roll of the plot n stuff.

wordcount - 815

Georges eyes fluttered open, he squinted immediately at the sudden sunlight flooding in through the curtains. After waking up some more, he realized Dream was holding tightly onto him tightly with his head resting on top of Georges. (the cover photo)

A soft smile spread over his face, and as he took a breath he smelt the comforting scent of cinnamon. George never knew how..or why Dream smelt like cinnamon but it was nice. He slowly dazed off in his thoughts about Dream. His perfect eyes, his beautiful smile that would be so cruel not to kiss and most of all his personality. He always wanted the best for everyone, if he could give the world to George he would.

"You're kinda creepy." Dream whispered, snapping him out of his thoughts. He didn't realize he was staring at him, his face dusted with a pink blush as he scoffed.

"Shut up."

"Oh come on, you're the one who was staring at me, while I was asleep."

George only laughed, snuggling his face into the others chest. The atmosphere in the room was comfortable as both boys lied awake, cuddling eachother in the early morning.

"Dream," He whispered, checking to see if he was still awake.

"Yeah?" He spoke in the same whisper and tone, and just after a placed a kiss on the top of Georges head. Moments like these were his favorite, sweet and love filled.

"What time is it?" He looked up, his rich brown eyes shimmering under the few rays of sunlight in the bedroom.

He hesitated before turning slightly over, grabbing his phone and checking the time. "Its a little over 6, babe."

George groaned as he sat up, wiggling from Dreams grasp.

"You know you don't have to get out of bed right now? Come cuddle." He prompted, holding his arms open for George. The brit shook his head and stood up.

"Actually, I want to shower." He sounded sure of it. George ambled to his dresser and went through some clothes.

"At 6 in the morning?" Dream sat up now too; he had an amused expression. Who would shower this early for no reason? Many would just sleep in and Dream found it odd.

"Think about it like this, right now I have the motivation to shower, maybe I won't later so I'm getting it out of the way." So, with one more soft smile George left Dream alone in his bedroom.

Dream nodded, he understood his response and it made sense. He figured he'd just go back to sleep for a bit but then another thought popped into his head.

He waited to hear the water running in the other room. He slowly threw the covers off of him and let them fall to the floor.

He slowly creeped out of the bedroom, careful of the floor creeks. He tiptoed until he was infront of the bathroom, he could hear Georges music and him softly humming to it. He wasn't suprised George was listening to Taylor swift, it made full sense aswell. It also blocked out the boise of Dream, opening the door and slipping into the bathroom.

He was careful not to make any noise. He quickly turned the shower valve (I most definitely did not have to google that) to cold. He ran out the second he heard screams from George, he covered his ears to protect them from his screeches.

"DREAM WHAT THE FUCK-" George only knew it was Dream who did it because the one reason he could hear his distant wheezing.

Both Sapnap and Bad came running into the living room, where Dream was now being confronted by an angry George, who also happened to only have a towel around his waist.

"Can you guys shut the fuck up?"

"Language. Guys, its 6 in the fricking morning."

This was the downside of living together, everyone woke up at different times and often woke everyone else up with them.

"Why would you even do that? You're an asshole." George stared Dream dead in the eyes, or atleast he tried to but Dream couldn't control his laughter; it caused him to not take George seriously. 

"I'm going to finish my shower, and if you come in again I'm going to actually hurt you."

George walked away scoffing, and Dream started apologizing profusely to his friends.

"You owe me." A grin slowly spread over Sapnaps face, and when bad showed the same smile they both knew the perfect way to get back and Dream and George.


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