Thank you breakfast

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TW - mentions of bad coping skills, suggestive bad eating habits

[a/n] i apologize if this chapter is wonky, im tired, and can't sleep so im writing. some things may be a bit confusing, or written oddly so I apologize in advance. I hope everyone is doing well and staying hydrated <3

wordcount - 1666

The night ended with the ferris wheel, and now they were just returning home. The time was nearing 9 pm and Dream was sleepy.

George changed into sweats, tossing his shirt onto the floor. This particular night his room felt a little too hot, and if George found the room hot, Dream found it hotter than hell. He stripped himself of both jeans and a shirt, ending up falling asleep in his boxers. Neither cared for the mess their clothes made littering the floor.

With staying up almost every night to make sure George wouldn't try anything while he was sleeping, then being awake all day, and then on top of that the all day trip to the fair, he was catching up on some much needed rest. He even tried to stay awake that night as George showed no interest in sleeping but his head slowly lulled into his lap, his eyelids grew heavy and his muscles relaxed until he was finally out like a light.

George however was up on his phone as Dream rested with his head in his lap, laying straight over his legs in a way only he would find genuinely comfortable. (cover image)

He searched up and went through various things but would get lost in his thoughts every few minutes. He'd stare off to the wall, many thoughts raced in his mind; such as other coping mechanisms, although there was only one that he felt like he needed. He also thought about Dream, and alot of other stuff such as that dolphins sleep with an eye open, or why scorpions taste like beef jerky. Many thoughts varying, most odd some sad.

George moved his leg when he felt the feeling that some would describe as pins and needles or static, moving it slightly and trying to get the feeling to go away. He hated the feeling. This caused Dreams head to fall in between his legs, waking him up hastily.

He mumbled something incoherent about George being awake before his head shot up from where it once resided. He realized he'd fallen asleep, something he hadn't meant to do. His nerves eased once he saw George was still in bed, his head dropping back in between his legs. It was quite an odd position, but he seemed comfortable and ready to doze back off to bed.

"What time is it?" Dream asked, he couldn't be bothered to lift his head once more so his words weren't so muffled. Frankly, nothing mattered but George being okay and him getting back to bed.

"Uh," He train of thought stopped and he checked the time on his phone, upon seeing how late it was, he figured Dream wouldn't be too happy. "Almost 3."

"P.m?" Confusion dripped in his tone, unsure of what was even going on or how long he'd been out for.

"No, a.m." He said hesitantly, moving his phone out of view to see Dream. He placed his hand on his head, ruffling his blonde and wavy hair ever so slightly.

Dream hummed both at his words and the feeling, he loved having his hair played with in any way. It was always so soothing, one of many reasons he'd decided to grow it.

He understood George was grown, that he didn't need constant supervision, but there was a slight spark of hesitatance to go back to sleep. George picked up on this pretty easily, it wasn't hard to see through Dream.

"Go to bed, please." He prompted with running his fingers through his hair some more.

The tone he used, so quiet and soft reassured Dream, the pit in his stomach slowly disappearing.

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