Chapter 22

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"I can't believe you can come!", Lillian squeals as you take a bite into your sandwich. Her face is bright from excitement and she smiles showing all her teeth.

"Yeah, it's gonna be fun", you say reassuring yourself more than Lillian.

"Why don't you see if Peter can come? We have enough bedrooms", she half giggles. The thought had never really crossed your mind. You can't sleep well without peter there. Worry crowds your thoughts and you look round the canteen hurriedly.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I- I'll be back in a minute", you say catching peter with your eyes and standing to retrieve him.

While approaching him, many eyes cross your way. You were never really the type to draw attention to yourself, half the people in your school don't know who you are.

"Hey Peter, can we talk?", you say quietly not to grab the attention of his friends. He stops laughing as he turns to you, his face twists to a worried expression and he leaps from his seat.

"I'll be back guys", he waves them off taking your hand and leading you to the quiet corridors. Obviously now, more eyes are on you, glaring, watching and judging.

As you hear the door shut that connects the corridor and the cafeteria , he turns you round and searches your face for answers.

"What's wrong?", his hands graze your arms pulling you closer. You can't help but let out a smile, right now, in this moment, he looks so naive and vulnerable - it looks good on him.

"See how I'm going to Lillians beach house this weekend?", he nods without changing his expression, "well, you won't be there at the night when I'm trying to sleep"

You can physically see his shoulders relax and his eyes soften. Right now, you hate how weak and small you feel having to depend on peter. But he's addicting, you can never get enough of him.

"Who said I can't sneak out with you?", he draws closer to you with a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"If my dad catches us, you'll probably be kicked out you know that?"

"I know but life is too short to play by the rules", your eyebrows lift up at his unusual characteristic. He really has changed since you guys met.

"Well this weekend just got a whole lot more fun", he pulls you closer and kisses you softly.

"Ew gross"


You and peter turn your heads at the same time and see Lillian standing eating a chocolate bar.

"You're just jealous cause you don't have a boyfriend", her face lifts up and she nearly squeals.

"Hang on! Boyfriend! It's official?!", she jumps up and down being the extra person she is. You and peter turn to look at each other at the same time.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend", he says as if he doesn't believe it.

"Who would've thought?"


A few days pass, each day the same but also drawing closer to the exciting weekend you have planned. You asked your dad about staying at Lillians and he barely let you go, you had to bribe him with coffee every morning til he said yes. Peter told Tony he was going to Mays for the weekend and, surprisingly, he believed it.

Sometimes you do wonder if your dad is Tony Stark or if he's just a very bad impersonator.

"Ok, five swimsuits, two bottles of sunscreen, three pairs of sunglasses, maybe I have to pack another pair", you run over to your closet and pull out a pair of expensive glasses your dad bought you.

"Y/n, you're worrying too much", peter giggles as he rests his head on your headboard with his feet up.

"I'm just nervous, that's all"

"Don't be. You'll be fine, I'll arrive a few hours after you and you'll be having too much fun to worry about anything"

You look up partly believing him. You're excited about this weekend but you've always been the one to worry. At least peter will be there with you.

"Ok, I'm ready to go", you pull your bag over your shoulders and take a few deep breaths while Peter stands up and walks over to you.

"I'll see you soon", he kisses you on the nose and gives you a quick hug before leaving your room.

"You'll be fine", you keep reminding yourself. With a few shakey steps you reach the outside of your door where you hesitantly close it for the weekend.

Every step you take out further from your bedroom, a pile of guilt consumes you. You feel like your going against everything your been forbade to do, well, you are.

You would definitely be killed if you got caught but you can't get caught and you won't.

"Hey dad, I'm just going to head round now", your voice is surprisingly less nervous sounding than you actually are.

"Bye", he doesn't even look up from his paper to look at you. It's okay though because he's just busy.

You feel a little less nervous because he didn't seem suspicious at all. Your hands are a little shaken while you tie your laces but your able to leave the house and get into happys car without  causing to much distraction to yourself.

"Just to Lillians house please happy", he looks at you strangely in the mirror and drives off. You don't like the way his eyes scanned your face.

"So where are you actually going this weekend?", you turn your head and look at him with wide eyes.

"To Lillians house like I said ", you half choke.

"Y/n please, I've known you since you were born, I know when you're lying"

"We're just going to Lillians beach house", you say preparing to be murdered by happy and your dad.

"It's better for someone to know just in case something happens. You know y/n, there's lots of people out there trying to get your dad and no doubt you too", he sounds very protective now, something you don't hear on happy very often. Most of the time he sounds and looks fed up with everything. However, now he's acting like how a father figure is suppose to act. You wouldn't know that though because Tony was never like that.

"I know Happy, I'll be careful just please don't tell my dad, not that he'll care anyway", you look down with a sigh knowing that your dad wouldn't care as much as happy cares.

"He does love you y/n"

"Well he never says it"

"Even if he doesn't say it, that man would fight the world for you. You need to know that"

Somehow, you find that hard to believe.

So so sorry for not posting, school work has been especially bad this week and I've been trying to keep up with tik tok. I don't really like this chapter, it was one of those chapters that's in between the interesting stuff so I'm basically saying the next few will be much longer and better. Thanks for reading :)

Question of the day: what's your favorite MCU actor interview moment?

My answer: "I don't WIKE it" - Chris evans

(BEING EDITED) Forbidden love (A Spider-Man and Y/N story)Where stories live. Discover now