The Bubbler

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Marie pov:

Adrien's birthday is tomorrow and I'm beyond excited! I decided to make him something special and from the heart, so I made him a blue scarf. I spent hours making it while Tikki sat on my desk eating cookies and checking to make sure I was hydrated in between sewing. I love her so much! When I was done I was so tired, all I wanted was to go straight to bed. My fingers were beyond cramped. I was just about the put his gift in a box when I hear a knock at my room door. Tikki quickly hides in my hair. "Marie? You in here?" Ah Ariana's voice. "Come in!" She walks in with big smile on her face.

She plops down on my bed and swings her legs. "Sisssssy.." Okay, she wants something. The twins never call me "sissy" unless they want something. "What do you want Ari?" She puts her hand to her chest and gives a hurt expression. "A little sister can't come visit her sister without...okay I don't believe that either-" I nod. "Mmhm! So what is it?" "'re friends with Adrien Agreste and I wanted to gift him something, ya know, as a loving and devoted fan." "Yea...?" She immediately jumps off the bed and clings to my arm. "Please, please, please, please, help me with his gift!" I laugh. "Okay okay I'll help." "Yay! I'll come down and show you what I think would work."

Two hours later, we are now fully covered in ribbon and glitter. There were many choices for Ari to make, but she narrowed it down to a pretty card, a hat she crocheted, and a coupon for our parents's bakery. After putting it all into a box, she signs the package. "Done! This gift is mwah!" She does a chef's kiss. I giggle. "Great job Ari!" Suddenly we hear footsteps. "Ugh I can't believe you did ALL this for a glorified pretty boy." Lilli says as she walks down stairs and eyes the mess. Ari rolls her eyes. "Says the girl who obsesses over superheroes. You soooo wanna be Alya." Lilli stomps her foot. "No I don't! I just think Cat Noir is cool! Much cooler than someone who's just a pretty face. Besides models are borrrrringggg." Lilli says with a fake yawn.

"Ugh! You're just jealous because you're ugly and he's handsome!" Her twin replied. "I look just like you so...." Lilli rebutted. Ari flips her hair. "Oh please, you wish you looked like me. Thank goodness we're not identical. I can't imagine sharing a face with someone who doesn't like Adrien Agreste." Lilli turns to me. "Marie, sissy who do you think is better? Cat Noir..." she flutters her lashes and looks up dreamily. "...Or Adrien Agreste?" She gags. Ari whips her head around and gives me a "you better not make the wrong choice" look. How dare they make me chose! I can't choose between them! "Hey!" I point my finger at them. "Don't bring me into one of your arguments! Besides I think they're both amazing!" I sigh and they both "Ugh" and groan. I giggle and skip my way upstairs and leave them to their banter.

The next morning I wake up to my alarm ringing. I sit up and stretch. "Ah! Happy Birthday Adrien~" I sigh. I try to get off my bed without waking Tikki who is sleeping soundly, however my clumsiness decided to pay a visit. I fall out of my bed, roll down the stairs and land face-first into the floor, not only waking Tikki, but the thud most definitely woke the rest of my family. I do my morning routine as well as get dressed for the day. I grab Adrien's wrapped gift from the top of my desk and skip downstairs. "Marie, don't forget to clean your room after school today. Your siblings already cleaned theirs." Mom says as I make my way down the stairs. "Mom! It's Friday, and I'm already doing something with Alya." She smirks while holding sipping her tea. "Fine, I'll go ahead and clean it, but don't blame me if I come across any of your private stuff, like your e-mails, your diary--" My face goes pale and wide-eyed. Mom and my diary?! No way! "Okay! I'll do it, I'll do it!" I give my mom a kiss and leave for school. "Have a nice day, sweetie!" She calls out as I leave. "Have a nice day!"  I respond back.

Finally making to school, I see Alya before attempting to give Adrien my gift. She brings me out of sight and on the side of the stairs. "You can do it, you can do it!" Alya encourages me. "I can do it, I can do it!" I look over the stairs  up to look at Adrien. "I can't do it, I can't do it!" I shrink myself down. "What if he doesn't like it?" She smiles and pats my shoulder. "He'll love it! Now go give it to him!" She pushes me  over to Adrien. "Ah!" I stop in front of him before I could fall forward. "Um, he-- Hey!" I wave nervously as she hold the gift behind my back. Adrien looks at me surprised and waves back. "Hey." Suddenly Chloè appears next to me. "I, uh, I wanted to, umm, give you a gift I made--" Chloè yawns as I talk and then shoves me away as if I was a rag doll. "Out of the way."She turns to Adrien and pretends to be all sweet. "Happy birthday, Adrien!" She throws herself onto him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

The Luckiest: Cat Noir/Adrien Agreste x OCWhere stories live. Discover now