back at Snezhnaya.

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"OK, OK, what's wrong!?" Lumine asked, while rushing through the dizzying halls of Mondstadt University. 

"That dude you met isn't normal!" Amber said between rushed breaths. "If what you said was true, we need to go there right now. We'll tell you once we reach there."

They pushed the doors that led to the building aside, reaching the way point that lay just outside of the university. All three gently placed their hands on the floating apparatus, a blue gleam  delicately showering their skin in melancholy light. Flooding their senses, the light burned a bright blue, before dissipating as suddenly as it appeared. They were back at the area Lumine so desperately wanted to leave.



While Mona and Amber caught their breath, Lumine questioned them. 

"Tell me. What's important about Childe." Lumine crossed her arms. 

"We didn't tell you the whole story 'cause we thought it wasn't necessary. But, obviously, it is." Amber bent down, hands propped up against her knees. "Snezhnaya is run by a proxy government - a religious group that goes by the name of the Fatui runs it. And further, it seems they worship the Tsaritsa. But we don't know who she is."

"And the reason Childe is so important is well..." Mona lengthened her words, reluctant.

"Well...?" Lumine tapped her foot against the ground, a rhythmic, soft thump.

"He's part of one of the highest orders in that church - the Harbingers." Mona answered. "There are 11, and coincidentally, Childe is one of the best known for his destructive behaviour. "


"So if this 'Fatui' runs Snezhnaya, that would mean that the plan to bring the Abyss back is because of them?" A cold shiver ran up Lumine's spine, acutely aware of the fact that she was beside a monster at this same place.

"Precisely." Mona and Amber said in unison. 

"So we need to hurry. That location must have something of importance." Mona motioned Lumine to follow, as the Snezhnayan forest began to appear at the brink of the horizon. 

As they reached the entrance to the forest, as signalled by the encroaching snow, they let Lumine lead. Through the snow, above the fallen tree, past the river. A familiar clearing.


"Here we are." Lumine broke the group's concentration. A single bead of sweat clung to Lumine's face, rolling off the side, before letting go.

"Oh, wonderful. Um, Lumine, would you be a dear and go first?" Mona replied shakily, the dilapidated church standing eerily in the middle of the clearing. 

Lumine rolled her eyes, but it would be the best decision. She was the most powerful out of the three of them, and she wouldn't want them to get hurt.

"Guys, stay here." Lumine held a motherly tone, pointing behind the trees. Mona and Amber agreed. 

Slowly, methodically, Lumine walked inside the church. An uneasy creak followed her steps, as she was met by the same, intimidating hallway. Her body was screaming to run, but she had to ignore the loud pleas for escape. Before taking a step into it, the familiar voice echoed amongst the walls of the church.

"Hey, girlie. Where do you think you're going?" Childe's voice was heard. His voice was the last confirmation she needed to know that this seemingly abandoned church has feigned more substance than its walls let off. Lumine let a gasp escape her lips, before promptly shutting them tightly, a thin line running across her face.

"Childe." Lumine's eyes hardened. "You can't stop me." 

She paused. Her throat began to close up. But Lumine had to remember.

That sweet smile, those eyes that reflected a world of honey beneath them. That soothing voice.




With an accumulated burst of liquid courage, Lumine exploded, running through the dark hallway, trying to reach the void at the other end. Squinting her eyes, she could see a faint light. There!  Lumine accelerated, using anemo to launch herself even faster. But, just before she could reach that room, she hit someone. 




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