~《 Well I will write this book just to put "almost" all the images that I have in my gallery and maybe just maybe I could make some requests for images or put a little story I don't know....maybe....》~
♤ ok without anything else to clarify I leave...
Hello beautiful people, as you already know, this book is going to put some images that I have in my gallery ... but ... but only if I have time I will put a story as an order, it will be one or two a week because I have some schedules something tight and it is difficult to find time to do the story (It will cut the story trying to feel in the characters without so much filling) ~ And regarding the other I will continue it and maybe modify it a little ~ Without more to say thanks for reading and see you later
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
Ooh and it must be said that the drawings are not my credits to their respective creators