❦〚Back To Class〛❦

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        Hello everyone! I am so sorry it's already been over a month since I have last updated. I've started taking a college class the Community College in my state, so my evenings are being taken up. I've also been working on a Genshin Impact request book, so I've been doing that recently.

        Ok, so I'm not sure if you guys know, but about 2 years ago I was in the worst mental state I could be in. Not as in depression, but I was completely overwhelmed with everything in my life. I had team training, the expectations of winning at nationals, theater and making sure all 3 shows go according to plan, school and the absolute crap ton of work they gave us, and overall my mental health was at it's lowest point. I suffer from stress headaches. The tiniest amounts of stress sends me into a bad mental state, and my entire being shuts down. I'm not motivated to do anything, I feel out of it, I sleep to an unhealthy amount, and I get bad headaches. Not saying migraines aren't bad, but it's definingly worse than a normal headache but migraines take the cake. So that's kinda why updates have been much slower, cause my mental health is very bad and I can't handle stress at all. So sorry again for chapters being very slow.

        It's been about a week since (Y/n) was at the hospital. She was released a little later than she was expecting, but the time she was there was to get a better understanding what the shape of her hands and throat are in. Her throat is doing much better. As for her hands, (Y/n) is able to use them just like before, but she just can't feel pain from her elbow down.

        They said she could return to school on Monday (let's just say Monday since idk the exact day when Aizawa told the students about the Sports Festival), and here she is now.

        Looking down at her gloved hands, (Y/n) sighed. She hasn't had any mental breakdowns since her mind has still been blocking out those memories. (Y/n) requested for the gloves since she didn't want her classmates to see the state her hands were in. She didn't want the question and she most certainly didn't want the stares. She's unable to use her quirk without accidentally transmuting her gloves, so the Support students are developing gloves for (Y/n) that wouldn't interfere with her Quirk. A project and new gloves, kill two birds with one stone.

        "Aren't you going to go in?" Aizawa asked, standing next to his daughter. She's been standing in front of the door for almost 3 minutes, just staring at it like it suddenly grew legs and arms.

        "Yeah..." (Y/n) grabbed the handle and slid the door to the side. "Morning!"

        "(Y/n)!" All the girls tackled the student onto the floor, crying their eyes out. "You're ok!"

        "Get off! You're crushing my ribs!" (Y/n) yelled, struggling to breathe. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel already.

        "Sorry!" Uraraka was the first to get off (Y/n).

        "We were just so happy to hear your voice!" Momo said, getting off as well.

        "We thought you were going to be in the hospital for longer!" Mina whined.

        "We were wondering if you were alright." Tsu said, hopping off the girl.

        "Thank goodness." Hagakure sighed in relief, getting off her as well.

        "Hagakure, you're standing on her hand." Jirou pointed to the invisible girls shoe on (Y/n)'s left hand.

        "Oh gosh! Sorry!" The girl apologized, feeling bad. "Is your hand ok?"       

        "I didn't even notice," (Y/n) got up. She didn't feel pain from when Hagakure had stepped on her hand. She felt the pressure, but she most certainly couldn't feel pain. "I'm ok though."

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