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"(Y/n), do you need any help with the written exam?" Aizawa asked, standing next to his daughter as she was studying for the written part of the exams for the recommended students. They were on the second floor of (Y/n)'s room, and yes, Aizawa did use the rope to get to the second floor. The rope and pole idea came from Aizawa, who wanted (Y/n) to keep her arm muscles strong, so the rope didn't seem like a bad idea.

        "I think I'm alright for the written part of the exam. As for the practical part of the exam, you said we can use our quirks however we want, correct?" (Y/n) asked, looking away form her study materials to look at her dad.

        "You can't use your Quirk to slow others down, but you can use it in any method to get to the finish line the quickest." Aizawa explained. "And no, you cannot use your Quirk to just cut across and get to the finish line."

        "Dang it." (Y/n) snapped her fingers. "Alright alright, I won't do that. I'll just use the ground to surf my way to the finish line."

        "That would work." Aizawa shrugged. "Do you want to go practice at the school?"

        "Yeah." (Y/n) nodded, getting up out of her desk chair, and walked over to the rope. Grabbing it in her hand, (Y/n) started climbing down the rope, only using her arms.

        Aizawa watched, and walked over to the rope as well, and waited for his daughter to finish climbing down. Instead of climbing down, he just jumped down, holding onto the rope, and landed on the floor.

        "How do you not have rope burn?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow.

        "Tough skin." Aizawa showed his hands, that were only slightly red skin, and very tough skin. "Years of Hero work will help you build up tougher skin, you'll know when you get callous on your hands."

        "That'll be a while." (Y/n) mumbled, and walked out of her room to head to U.A, while Aizawa was going to follow her.

        "Again!" Aizawa yelled, watching as this was the 50th time his daughter had manipulated the ground, while she used the rocks in the ground to make her a solid platform, whole she used the rest of the rocks and dirt to push her platform forward, acting like waves in the ocean. She was about 5 minutes below the average, but Aizawa knew that (Y/n) could do even better than 5 below the average.

        (Y/n) clapped her hands together, doing the same thing, this time, focusing even more on her speed and had less stone to push her forward. She changed the rocks and dirt that pushed her forwards to be more arrow dynamic. The less wind resistance, the faster she would be able to move. This time, she was able to just manage to get 6 minutes below the average.

        "Erasure, you shouldn't work her too hard." Present Mic stood next to his childhood friend. His head had a couple of bandages on his head while a few band aids were on his face. This was the results of Aizawa's anger towards Present Mic for destroying his classroom after (Y/n) accidentally spilled the beans. "The exams are going to take place in a couple of days. It's best if she rests up."

        "Fine." Aizawa wanted his daughter to keep practicing, but Present Mic had a point. It was best for (Y/n) to get the rest that she needed. "(Y/n)! It's time to go home and rest!"

        "Got it!" (Y/n) waved up from the finish line, and went to the changing rooms to change back into her normal clothes, since she was changed into a sports bra and sports shorts. Wearing clothing like that, it showed off her ab muscles that have prove just how much she's been training for years. Her strong legs and arms were also on show, she defiantly had more muscles than the average 15 year old girl. Aizawa has one heck of a training routine for his daughter.

        "Are you proud?" Present Mic asked, smiling over at his childhood friend.

        "About?" Aizawa asked, his eyes looking over to the side to look at Present Mic.

        "How well you have training (Y/n) of course." Present Mic kept his smile. "You've been training her ever since she had gotten her Quirk. You've been pushing her past her limits since she was 6, while you've been training her body ever since she was 4. You've been having her learn university level studies since she was 7. So, are you proud?"

        "I'm more than proud." Aizawa said, smiling. "Even so, if she wasn't as successful as she currently is, or if she wasn't born with a Quirk at all, I'd still be very proud to know that I have raised her to the best of her abilities. As a father, I would say, I am the most proud that she is who she is, because of what I can give her."

        "Sounds like someone has gotten soft." Present Mic teased.

        "I'm only 35, shut up." Aizawa used his scarf, and whacked Present Mic on the back of the head. "Go get your work done, I know you've been slacking."

        "Eep!" Present Mic screeched, and ran away to go get his work done for the exams. He was not going to die today.

        Hours had passed, and it was now night time at the Aizawa residence. (Y/n) has been studying for the written part of the exam, making sure that she remembered everything that she would need to know, while Aizawa was watching over her to make sure she wasn't going to be overworking herself.

        "So, am I going to be going by our last name, or am I going to go by a different last name?" (Y/n) asked, sitting down on the couch on the first floor of her room while she was doing a little bit of last minute studying for the written part of the exam.

        "I think it would be best to go by our last name." Aizawa said, sitting down on the couch as well with a cup of black coffee in hand. "Maybe we should give the media a little bit of a surprise."

        "How many other recommended students are going to be coming?" (Y/n) asked, putting down some of her study materials so she could pay attention to what her father was going to say.

        "At least 5 others. Inasa Yoarashi, Juzo honenuki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Setsuna Tokage, and Shoto Todoroki." Aizawa listed the other five while he had sipped on his black coffee.

        "Todoroki? As in Endeavor's son?" (Y/n) asked. "I rarely even hear about Endeavors son, I almost didn't know he had a son."

        "He has 2 other children. Some say that he had another son, but I haven't heard any confirmation about the rumors. It's a possibility though." Aizawa shrugged his shoulders. "Besides, if you are able to get about 6 minutes below average, there is no way that you won't be able to get in."

        "So you guys aren't going to be bias in the least bit?" (Y/n) asked, hoping that the faculty of U.A. are not going to be bias just because she was partly raised by them.

        "Exactly. If you can exceed everyone's expectations, there is  no way that you will not be able to get in." Aizawa patted his daughters head softly. "Besides, I know you'll blow all those other students out of the water. You are one of the best kids I've ever had the pleasure of teaching."

        "That's because I'm your daughter." (Y/n) teased, accepting the head pats.

        "Yeah yeah." Aizawa took his hand away, and got up off the couch. "Get some sleep. The exam is in 2 days, and you need as much rest as possible. You're going to focus on the written exam tomorrow and save your strength for the actual exam."

        "Alright alright." (Y/n) got off the couch, and walked over to the rope, and started climbing to the second floor to get to bed. "Night dad."

        "Night (Y/n)." Aizawa turned off the lights on his way out, and shut the door.

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