meeting ed <3

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emi wasnt a very good singer. in fact she once swallowed a blow dryer while trying to sing. how did that happen? she has no clue. but she wants to improve.

recently she got an offer at this hangout place where teens and adults go. they said she could sing a few songs to see if she was good enough to be an actual singer there.

as emi was walking into the place, she heard an angelic voice. it made her heart pound in her chest. "who is this?" she thought. walking around back she met a man who had ginger hair and a beard.

"IN LUV WITH SHAP OF U" he finished the song emi loved so dearly.

"my kind sir, whatever is your name?" she asked. he didnt reply. he looked emi up and down and smiled warmly, causing her to blush.

"luv im afraid i cant tell you that right now" he said in an unexpected british accent. he walked away and disappeared into the night.

emi went into the hangout and started walking to the stage. she was gonna sing fight song by taylor swift.

"THIS IS MY FIGHT SONG" she began singing and soon saw the ginger staring at her in the crowd. emi kept looking at him throughout the entire song. when it ended everyone was cheering and she felt she had improved her singing.

when she was walking home the ginger caught up to her.

"hey! you!" he called. she turned around. "whats your name luv?"

"it emi. whats yours?" she answered.

"my name is ed sheeran. nice to meet you." he said. the name was familiar to emi but she couldnt remember where she had heard it before.

"nice to meet you too. can i have your number? your singing was really good and i wanna improve mine." she stated. ed nodded his head.

"i think your singing was marvelous, but ill help you out on a few things. see you around!" and with that he zoomed off like the flash.
dont you just love this new love story?

word count: 351 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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