Bad Ending

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Cringe chapter lol
. .. Will you be my blooming love?

You can feel the ingame wind woosh around you carrying the pink petals of the large tree. This scene was perfect, except for the fact that you dont know if both youll get out of here.

Y/n: Haha, nice joke! The game script am i right?

Senpai: Please just answer the question

He looked down to his side

Y/n: I cant just-I cant just leave you here!

Senpai: Well you can! And you will!

Y/n: I wont you fucking dumbass!

Tears started falling down your eyes so you covered your face with your hands.

He came closer to you and removed your hands. You then hugged him tight and cried on his chest.

Senpai: Cmon, your life in the real world is waiting.

Y/n: Then how about you!?

Senpai: Hey we can still talk im just one click away!

You pulled away from the hug and wiped your tears. Two choices popped up on your screen.

"accept confession" or "decline"

You hover your hand over the first choice. You looked to him and saw him smilling but his eyes looked like they were gonna burst any second now.

Senpai:Go on..

Y/n: I-i dont know if i should..

He opened his bag and got something from inside, he took one of your hands and put a little gift box on it wuth a red tie.

Senpai: Do it for me then..

You shut your eyes and quickly pushed the button.


You enhaled sharply as your eyes pry open. You looked around to see yourself on your bed.

You fixed your hair cause it was all on your face. The pc was still on, the game menu was still on the screen.

You walked up to the pc and sat down.

Y/n: Senpai.. ?

You looked the the game menu screen. It was the same as the first time you started it up.

Y/n: Please talk..

A familiar blonde sprite smiled on the menu. Tears started falling from your eyes.

Y/n: Was all that just a dream?

You looked at the side of your desk.

It was a gift box.

You opened it and there wad a note on top.
"for my pretty patch of roses"

It was a nice pink music box that had a crank on its side.

You winded it and the lid opened up revealing the little figure. Your tears stopped as you just sit there and listen to the nice soft chime of the precious box.


[blooming Love] Fnf Senpai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now