Chapter 1

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Uhhh so this is my first book so i dont know how to write

My english sucks cause its not my first language;-;

Have fun reading i guess
F/n- friend name
Y/n: So is this everything?

F/n: Yep! You just need to plug it and it'll work!

You're friend had helped you set up your brand new pc, well it wasnt really brand new it was second hand from a friend, but i guess its still better than your 2 year old crusty laptop that cant even load a shader pack without crashing the whole thing.

F/n: My friend actually has games still downloaded there. Odd cause she didnt have a steam account, maybe she got those from a russian site that hacks your location and doxx you.

Y/n: bruh thats silly, anyways thanks for helping me out btw!

You booted it up and start downloading a bunch of games and widgets that you'll probably just delete when you get bored.

You lose track of the time and looked at the clock seeing its almost midnight, felicia even went home and you didnt even notice. You just cant stop clicking or looking at the screen.

12:01am, you clicked quit game to the last game you downloaded the same day. You just ran out of games and any ideas what to even play anymore. You decided to look through the old files that were still here.

Y/n: uhhh lets see. Deltarune? Sally face?

One specific game did caught your eye. It was "sakuraii high"

(i have no idea what to name it lmao)

Y/n: pfft what in the love simulator is that?

You clicked on it and it was a simulator type- thingy, who wouldve guess? /s

As the game starts some generic happy uhh kawaii music starts playing in the background.
There were no saved slots so you gladly made a new one.

The start screen was pretty nice- if it wasnt filled with just sakura trees all around the place. The light from the computer was literally blinding so you turn down the brightness a little bit.

You start up the game and you were greeted by the following words.

"ahhh sakuraii high, a beautiful place for a new and wonderful adventure! Maybe you'll even find blooming love!"

Y/n: wow, like they didnt make that obvious enough.

You were presented with two choices:
"walk to your class early"
"stay on the courtyard"

You chose to walk to your class early which made the text glitch and crash the game.

Y/n: what? Maybe i just chose the wrong thing?

You went back to the part where you were and chose the other choice.

This time the text did glitch but it turned normal after freezig for 3 seconds.

"you sat on a bench in a courtyard and in the distance you saw a tall figure"

Y/n: yes i can unlock the first character!

"the figure gets closer and you notice it was a boy with blonde hair wearing a blue uniform with a pink tie"

"he walked up to you what would you say?"

"Uhhhh hello?"
"Good day today huh"

You chose one and the text glitched again, the game didnt crashed or anything but it did freezed for a few seconds.

[blooming Love] Fnf Senpai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now