~//~Oneshot 4~//~

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#Oneshot 4
When Rosé falls for her bully, Kim Taehyung

~//~TaeRose Ship Oneshot~//~

Author's pov
'Honey, Jennie is here' Rosé widened her eyes before she stuffed one last huge bite of kimchi in her mouth. She got up from the chair and picked up her bag, hanging it on her right shoulder still chewing the kimchi in her mouth. She ran towards the main door where Jennie and her mother stood, waiting for her.

She planted a kiss on her mother's cheek before pulling Jennie out with her and closing the door. She sighed as she finished chewing the kimchi and faced her friend who practically had steam coming out of her ears at the time.


Oh, yeah? Don't you think we should hurry up then? You boyfriend might be waiting for you.

Jealous single people!

Excuse you!...I am happily single!

Yeah yeah

With that, Jennie sat at the driver seat and Rosé sat at the passenger seat while glaring at the brunette with cat eyes.


What now?

Would you ditch your boyfriend Yoongi for me?

Rosé watched as the cat eyed girl loked at her and sweetly smiled before mouthing "you wish"
Rosé rolled her eyes before smiling to no one in particular. That's how tables turn, any other girl would have blushed because of what Rosé asked but come on, its Jennie we are talking about and everyone knows how much she loves Yoongi. An image of her bully Taehyung, whom she secretly likes flashed in Rosé's mind that caused her to shake her head and the thought away.

The whole ride after that was filled with comfortable silence accompanied by the new song "On The Ground" that jennie played on loop. Jennie parked the car as the girls stepped out of it and walked in the school. Jennie jumped on yoongi and pecked his lips causing Rosé to scoff, her devilish friend was a total angel infront of her boyfriend.

Rosé and Jennie parted ways as they had different classes to attend, on the way she found a crowd gathered and being the curious chipmunk she is. She walked through the crowd and her eyes were about to pop out of their sockets when she saw why the crowd was gathered. School's popular guy, her crush and....her bully, Kim Taehyung sat there while paying guitar and singing "Sweet Night" in his hoarse and deep voice that she found extremely attractive.

"Are you, too good to be true? And will it be alright if I pulled you closer?" The said guy sang while staring at Rosé. The blonde girl stared back at him, not breaking eye contact till Taehyung stood up and walked towards her. Rosé panicked and was about to run away like usual but Taehyung was fast enough to hold her wrist.


He- Hey!

The song, did you like it?

Yeah! It was ama- amazing!

It was a confession...by my friend.

𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘 ~ 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now