A Regular Summer Day

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It started as just a regular day at the beach. Fred was surfing in the pristine ocean, Daphne was sun baking on Anakin's least favourite thing in the world, Velma was reading a book, while Shaggy and Scooby were at the Barbeque, cooking delicious burger paddies in the flat grill, proudly wearing a chef's hat and white apron. Everyone was having a great time at the beach.

As Shaggy was flipping the paddies, Scooby quickly turned his attention to a white Great Dane and a brown Cocker Spaniel walking down a pathway, walking aside from the beach, but away from Scooby. Scoob runs his way to the dogs in excitement. Shaggy immediately noticed his buddy's disappearance, which also caught Velma's attention.

"Shaggy, where's Scooby?" Velma asked.

"Like, I don't know, Velma. Maybe he saw some dogs earlier-" Shaggy was interrupted swiftly.

"Jinkies!" Velma gasped. She saw the same dogs Scoob saw and ran that direction.

"I will be right back, Shaggy." Velma nodded.

"Oh, Velma!" Shaggy reminded as he got a pack of Scooby Snacks. He grabbed them and threw them to Velma, who caught them perfectly.

"Nice catch!" Shaggy called from afar. Velma nodded and ran up to the dogs, and rattled the box of Scooby snacks.

"Welma!" Scooby exclaimed, as he quickly ran back to her, tackling her to the ground. A young couple and an elderly couple with the Great Dane and Spaniel noticed almost immediately in shock.

"Bad dog!" The elderly man shouted. "You're a very bad dog!" Scooby walked off Velma.

"Swowwy, Welma." Scooby frowned.

"Aww, it's okay, Scooby." Velma chuckled softly. Something rustles in the bush, making all of the dogs bark. A little white and brown bunny hops out of the bush, twitching it's little pink nose.

"Aww, it's a little bunny rabbit." The young lady cooed.

"Oh, Scoob." Velma laughed. "You and your new dog buddies amuse me."

The couples laughed with the gang.

"Alright, we should get going." The elderly couple nodded. Everyone waved goodbye and went their own ways. As Velma and Scooby went back to the beach, Scooby immediately felt like he wanted to come back to see the dogs again.

The duo arrive, and everyone in the Mystery Gang grabs a burger, courtesy of Shaggy. They all have a glass of water, which was actually fresh, not salty. As everyone had a burger and water, the water started ripping out of nowhere. Thudding began, which got everyone alarmed at the beach.

"Quick. gang!" Fred exclaimed. "Get in the mystery machine!" The gang followed exactly that and they all ran in the van, with all of the burgers being held by Shaggy and Scooby. As the gang scurries in the boot, Shaggy and Scooby hug each other, shivering.

Screaming from the horrified citizens and tourists were blood curdled cries for help, with numerous cars starting and swerving to a safer place. The thudding eventually stopped, and with no noise remaining.

"Uhh, Shaggy, Scooby?" Fred reminded, tapping Shaggy's shoulder. "Whatever the heck that was has ended."

"Oh, thank goodness." Shaggy puffed. "It's finally over, Scoob!"

"Okay, gang." Fred smiled. "Let's see what the hazzle is about." At Fred opened the door, there was completely emptiness, not a person in sight. Cars were absent, which made this former paradise look a haunted ghost town. Silence. The gang had many questions, and they were only going to get more.

As the questions were hitting them, a police sirens breaks the silence. The siren gets louder and louder, as it was slowly approaching the gang. As the siren was at it's loudest and closest, it stops. Door close, footsteps approach. Shaggy and Scoob hold hands, looking at each other. A knock at the door is now heard. Fred opens the door.

"Ferb Marlin, FBI." Ferb greeted, showing his police badge.

"Oh, hello, Officer." Fred greeted. "Have I done something wrong?

"No, Fredrick." Ferb answered. "I just want to ask you a few questions about what you know about the this abnormally ghost like town."

"Wait, how do you know about us?" Fred asked.

"How can I not know about your marvellous work?" Ferb laughed.

"Good point, officer." Fred huffed. "But in regards of this town, I have absolutely no idea. We're only here for a vacation."

"Okay, I understand." Ferb nodded. "It's not easy being a cop 24/7, especially for smart kids that drive around this hippie van and solve paranormal activities." Fred let out a small chuckle.

"No, no, we can vacate after this mystery has been solved." Fred insisted. "They don't call us the Mystery Gang for nothing."

"Fair point, kid." Ferb smiled. "Go solve that mystery."

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