Chapter 5

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"You're trespassing." Lorenzo spoke with pure malice in his words. If he could, he would murder the wolf in front of him for rejecting his baby sister but sadly he couldn't because it would bring pain to his sister.

"Give me what's mine, and I'll go." Balaj retorted, completely unfazed by Lorenzo's angered tone.

"You rejected my baby sister and my nephew."
Balaj's eyes held confusion at Lorenzo's words, since when did Lorenzo have a nephew? Is it possible that Gigi- wait- was Balaj a father?

"What nephew?" Balaj questioned.

"Don't play stupid with me, Balaj. I'm talking about the same nephew of mine that you rejected when you rejected my sister."

Lorenzo and Balaj's intense face off was interrupted when a running Emery came bounding out of practically nowhere, with Gigi hot on her heels.

From then, Lorenzo's focus went back to his mate and he chased off after her. Gigi, however, was left face to face with her mate, who had rejected her.

"Balaj?" Whispered Gigi, she was a mixture of many emotions upon seeing her mate whom she had not for a good two years seen and it seems that Balaj's reaction was one of shock and happiness too. His hungry eyes tore apart Gigi's appearance and both him and his wolf were revelling at the sight of their mate.

He didn't look like the man he once was. But he was still effortlessly handsome to Gigi. Instead of the softer look he had before, he now looked rougher around the edges, a beard forming on his chin and upper jaw, his body a lot more henched from the last time Gigi had seen him and his captivating eyes held many stories- stories he was dying to tell Gigi.

Gigi wasn't the only one checking Balaj out, for Balaj was equally checking her out, with hungry stares up and down his mate he came to notice many things. Gigi's figure was a lot rounder in all the right places, her hair was longer and Balaj couldn't wait to grab it and- wait not yet of course.

"Why are you here?" Gigi's now strict and demanding tone brought an abrupt end to their checking out of each other and brought about the heavy question that needed an urgent answer.

"I'm here to take you home."

"What home, Balaj? A home is a place for people that love each other. You rejected me years ago. There's no such thing as home for people like me and you." Gigi retorted, clearly tired of Balaj acting like nothing had happened between the two of them.

"I've regretted that every single day of my life. I was young and-"

"Was I not young? You're ten years older than me!? How dare you use age as an excuse when you've been a whole decade older than me all this time!"

Balaj was shocked at Gigi's outburst but a slight bit amused. He was happy Gigi finally had a voice. Even if that voice loathed him, he was glad she could speak her thoughts. He would still take her home, though. She is his mate, after all.

"Anyways I have to go and see Anaxi-"

"Who is he? How do you know him? He lives with you? Since when? What's his ranking? Is he an-"

"A N A X I M A N D E R. Is our child. The child you left me to raise by myself. Anaxi is my beautiful son." Gigi yelled at Balaj, horrified at the lack of trust he had for her.

"Can I see him? Please?" Balaj literally begged. The normally unbending Alpha was on his knees in forgiveness and desire to meet his pup. His wolf was going crazy at the thought of bringing back their Luna but the fact that they also had a little pup to bring back- that just completely overjoyed him.

"N- you know what? Fine. But only for a minute. He needs to be fed and put back to sleep." Gigi agreed and motioned for Balaj to follow her into the pack hospital where Anaxi and Gigi were before Emery jumped out of a window.

In the pack hospital, Gigi took back Anaximander from Dr Barnes' arms, who was still holding the child regardless of how long it had been.

Anaxi was now awake and shrieked in excitement at seeing his mother. He knew the distinct scent of his mother but didn't know the scent of the man next to her.
His eyes held a great deal of confusion as he tried to reach out to Balaj, hitting out his hands.

Balaj looked towards Gigi for assurance, who in turn nodded and passed the infant to him.
Balaj's eyes lit up with pure glee. He had never felt such immense happiness as he was feeling right now, holding his child in his arms. Anaxi burbled and laughed, touching his fathers face with his outstretched and chubby hands.

Gigi was trying her absolute best to keep a stone face, but she couldn't help but tear up at their exchange. Anaximander needed a father. And after all Balaj was her mate. The Moon Goddess knew how to do her job, it would be outright rude to ignore her pairings. Even though it would take a long time for Gigi and Balaj to recover their relationship, Anaxi still needed a father. Everything Gigi was going to do was for the good of her child.

Balaj's heart swelled with pride and joy at his beautiful baby boy. He regretted ever rejecting his ravishing mate, Gigi. He was young and didn't want to leave the playboy lifestyle and become tied down. At least that was the excuse he used. Truth be told, he rejected Gigi for other reasons. Mainly his pack and it's rivalries with other packs growing day by day. More and more of his pack members were being targeted and he didn't want to show that he had a weakness- which was without any doubt, Gigi.

" love I am so sorry. I was and still continue to be a complete and utter fool. Leaving you-"

"You didn't just leave me. You left me and our child. What did this poor child have to do with anything? Did you feel no shame using and abusing me like that? Was I just a free piece of pûssy for you?!!" Gigi's years of pent up anger and frustration were finally being let out. She had to console herself due to the worried glance her son was sending her.

Dr Barnes snuck in and gently grabbed the child from Balaj's arms, causing him to growl and the pup to begin crying. She took him out of the room so that his parents could attempt to fix their failed relationship.

"Gigi baby I-"

"Do not call me that! Have you any idea how lonely and humiliating it has been living with a pup and no mate! To have random old Were-ladies stop and have digs at you because you were rejected!"

Balaj fell to his knees, pleading Gigi.

"Gigi please. I'm so sorry. I can explain it. All of it."

Gigi reluctantly looked at the clock.

"Five minutes. Then you leave." She gritted out.

The next five minutes were full of Balaj animatedly describing the terrors the pack had faced but how he had overcome all the threats the pack faced. He begged her to come back home with him so that he could keep her and their baby Anaxi safe. Gigi...agreed. She saw eye to eye with Balaj and with everything he'd just told her she knew she couldn't keep an Alpha heir away from his true pack for long.

"So please...amore...come home with me?" Begged Balaj and what a sight it was. One of the world's most powerful Alphas, on his knees, pleading for forgiveness.


Gigi did what she had to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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