Chapter 6

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"So I guess you have some sort of career now too." Alyssa said sitting down on my bed, which I had just made perfectly.

I leaned back in my desk chair, spinning myself around. "Well, I guess." I pondered for a moment. "It's just not really going know?"

"No. We don't." Melissa chimed in. She was sitting across the room on her bed which was not nearly made - just thought I would mention that.

"Yeah, honey we don't all perform once a week and put stuff on iTunes." She said sarcastically.

"Okay well...sorry." I stopped. "Wait, we don't have stuff on iTunes..?"

"There's your problem." Melissa said with a muffled mouth full of popcorn, pointing at me.

"Getting something online?"

"Yeah, why don't you post some of those covers on iTunes?" Alyssa said.

"Well, we aren't really that one would buy it." I thought about it.

"I would." Melissa said.

"Okay so my friends and family would." I rolled my eyes. "Why would you buy a cover of a song. You can just buy the original." I claimed.

"Then write your own stuff." Alyssa said.

"Really? You don't think we've thought about writing our own song? Been through that. They don't sound very good..."

"To you maybe? I'm sure if you put it online someone is bound to like it." Melissa shoved more popcorn into here mouth.

"Hold up, isn't your boyfriend like a pro at this stuff?" Alyssa asked. "Get him to help you."

"That's cheating."

"Cheating? Lots of people don't write their own songs!"

"No I mean...he has his music and I have mine. And having him write it for me...? I just don't think that would be alright..." I said. I got up from my seat moving to lean against the wall.

"I still think you should go for it." Melissa said.

"It's not easy! It's a profession, and it's not my profession. I'm a college student, if I'm writing anything, it's a paper on something long and boring."

"Fine." Alyssa said, getting up also. "Just, if you think you need to do something to bring yourself up on the charts-"

"Ha, we aren't even on charts. Not even close."

Alyssa held her hand in a stop motion, signaling for me to shut up. "Whatever, just do what you think is best. I'm going to walk to the food court if anyone wants to come?"

Melissa's hand shot up as she tumbled of her bed and wobbled to her purse.

"Blair?" Alyssa asked.

"Nope. I have to stay here and write a song." Alyssa shot a nice look at me, forcing me to correct my sentence. "I'll stay. Thanks though." She then smiled at me, her face saying thanks for fixing that remark.

They both left, and I had the room to myself. Which lately was a little rare. I usually got home kind of late and Melissa was already asleep. That or Melissa and Alyssa were in there cackling.

Those two got along well, better than I got along with either of them. I guess they just aren't the right people for me.

I've never really been good at making friends. I'm sure my awkwardness is very noticeable. That's one thing I don't like about being so far away for college. I miss my friends. Jenna and I still talk, not as much, but we talk. Josh is just...over in Ohio doing who knows what. I guess he's finally getting over his little injury. Not something I ever enjoy talking about. My other Ohio friends though-nope. Haven't heard from them in months. Which I'm okay with...? I guess. I decided it was about time to call Jenna. When you call Jenna, you never know what to expect. I dialed her number, which of course I knew by heart. That's an honor in my mind. I only have about four people's number's memorized.

So, as phones do, it rung. Until she picked up, with her voice that just about pierces your ears.

"Hey you! What's up?" She said.

"Just calling, checking up, you know?" I said, leading into a long silence. That fuzzy noise that seems to be the distance between the person you are speaking to. I tried to use my peppy on-the-phone voice.

"Oh. Well?...What's going on?" She asked, probably not knowing what to say.

"Nothing...I just got bored...and thought maybe I'd call you." I mumbled into the phone. Realizing now, for the second time, it's hard to maintain relationships through cellular devices.

"Okay?" She sounded confused- which it's easy for her. "Since you just called or whatever, you are in for a treat because I have to tell you something." Oh great.

"Well. Isn't that pleasant, what's your rant?" I sat down, because this would be a long time.

"Dylan." She said firmly.

"Dylan? Last time I talked to you everything was fine?" I asked. She met Dylan at New Years, and I thought that they were perfect for each other.

"He's just...annoying."

"What do you mean by annoy-" and...cut off. I had a feeling I wouldn't be having a chance to cut back in any time soon either.

"He just,." She took a deep breath, then pushed it all out. "He never wants to spend time with me and even when he does, he just talks about sports! And you know that I don't know anything about sports!" I'm pretty sure I heard the spit hit the phone on the last S. "And then whenever I want to do something, he's like 'aww, sorry I gotta watch the game, Blah' so it's like..." I blanked out a little after her man impression. But then chimed back in, and I might have missed a few things because, "and then Alex and Leah were fighting because of that and now they broke up-"

"Woah woah woah-" I tried to cut in.

"No I'm not done!" She cried.

"What's up with Leah and Alex?"

"Alex and Dylan have been hanging out so much so Alex was ignoring Leah. And Leah got mad, and big fight, and it's just all a mess over here." She stopped for some heavy breathing.

"So everybody hates everybody?" I asked. This is what happen when I leave.

"Pretty much."

"Well you don't even talk to Leah?" I asked.

"She's only home on weekends." She went to college about an hour from home. "Even when she comes back, she hangs out with her other friends."

I sat in my seat and thought for a few moments. "Well, what about Josh?"

"He's just kind of...there." She said.

"Why don't you hang out? I no one is there to hang out with."

"But that's weird, he's your ex, and after the whole incident he kind of keeps to himself a bit."

"Well honey, the whole being shot thing isn't that pleasant." I said. "He needs a friend, cmon. We might not be anything anymore, but I still care about him." I said, and I really do. "Go hang out with him. Please?"

"Why?" She argued.

"Jenna, he's been through all of this. And now the friend group is shattering, help the boy out."

"Fine." She sighed.

"Good." I said, satisfied. I felt my phone buzz, looking at the screen to see who it was. Melissa? What could she want. "Jenna, I'm getting another call."

"So you're hanging up?" She sounded worried.

"Yeah, but I promise I'll call again soon." I said hanging up quickly to catch Melissa's call.

"What do you want?" I answered.

"Are you sure you don't want anything?" She asked.

"No, I don't want anything."

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