Not so different

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This is a oneshot

In a world were people are separated into groups of           their own kind , a sheep and a fox changed that .

                                        Not so different
                            A half human and animal au

Bit of info

Y/n , L/n :
Species : sheep
Age : 16
Gender : Male , female , nonbinary
(this is for any gender might no be very good since I'm used to writing only females sorry)
Y/n is just a common sheep in her village she helps around with the elders takes care of the children does chores around the village , she is adored by everyone .

Michael , Afton :
Species : fox
Age : 17
Gender : male
Mike is the son of the leader of the foxes , he is the strongest after his father in the pack , he is a great hunter but he has a really bad side . He enjoys making any being weaker than him suffer including his own kind . Most people think he's just an obnoxious brat who has too much power .

Onto the story


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping some song of their's a peaceful way to wake up I sat up stretching and yawning I looked out my window to see a nice sunrise . I sighed

"Well I would have liked to stay in bed but I have some work to do today"

I slid out of bed and got ready . I wore a long sleeve green shirt I wore a belt which had some small bags on the side for putting my keys or money in ect , I wore some black jeans I grabbed my cloak? And buttoned it up I left my house and headed to the center of the village where there was the market .

"Good morning Y/n ! How are you doing today dear ? Come to get the usual I presume."

"You know me too well Mr.Valo. Yes I'll take the f/f"

"Alright dear here you go enjoy your day Y/n!"

I thank him and head of to the elders,  whilst I was walking by the middle school I heard some yelling.  I looked around to see three little lambs , one was crying and the others were telling him off.

"I can't believe you Helen!"

"We told you to aim not ! Not shoot randomly!"

"I-i didn't mea-n t-to"

I came in between the kids to break up the arguing.

"Hey calm down kiddos . Whats going on exactly?"

"Helen kicked the ball in the forest!"

I looked in the forest, there were always rumors of it being filled with tribes of carnivores and too dangerous for herbivores such as us .
'Cmon Y/n the football can't be too far right? I mean it's probably just at the entrance , it will be quick .
I sighed at the thought of going in the forest just a bit .

"Hey don't worry I'll get it for you guys. You go in class and once I found the ball I'll give it to your teacher ok?"

All three of them nodded and ran off to their classes , I then turned my head towards the forest I gulped at the fact of going even close to it .

I was infront of the forest entrance , I took a deep breath and walked in , the forest was somehow dark and scary yet at the same time magical and beautiful , its weird but thats life , life is full of surprises . I was looking around the place and realised I was pretty deep in the forest 'jeez how strong was that girls kick?' . After walking for a while I saw the ball lying on the floor I picked it up put it under my arm and started leaving .

Michael POV

I was hunting for some food for my home of course I was sent to hunt like usual , I was blending in with the shadows so I wouldn't be seen by any preys , as I was waiting I saw a sheep person , they had h/l h/c hair their eyes were e/c . They were wearing some cloak so I couldn't see what they were wearing , who cares food is food I stayed hidden and started stalking them in the shadows so they wouldn't see me , from time to time they would turn around quickly looking very paranoid and scared I could also see them tense up when I started getting closer 'they must think they're being watched.
I decided that I had scared them enough so I grabbed my hunting knife and jumped out of my spot and got ready to attack. 
They quickly took notice of being attacked and immediately jumped to the side , they started running with me chasing behind , I grabbed my dagger and threw it right at them it caught their cloak and went in a tree .

They were trying to get out of it while trying to unbutton their cloak , I grabbed their throat and kept them of the ground they started kicking punching pushing and biting to get out of my grip eventually they did get out of my grip but didn't get too far , they were stumbling and tripping over roots half the time probably due to panicking . I sighed as I easily caught up to them and pinned them to the ground. 
During that moment
Something in me stirred .
Their beautiful e/c froze me.








When I finally snapped out of my gaze they were already gone.
Now I need to find a new dinner , just great
But I am also kinda glad I didn't kill them
Yet at least

Part 2 coming soon

941 words

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