Chapter 14 The end

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A/n , sorry but I have no clue about anything coming to medical


I heard people rushing around and talking , I couldn't understand exactly what was happening.

"Doctor ! She's waking up!"

"That was lucky!"

"Good morning Y/n , how are you feeling?"

"Uh.. kinda bad , I have a stinking headache. And my arm hurts."

"Well you were lucky , you only got a broken arm. It should heal in 12 weeks around than but you lost a lot of blood on your way here , the ambulance took a while to get you here."

A nurse explained to me

"Jesus how did this even happen ?"

A doctor asked.

It was only then did I realise that I couldn't remember what had happened. I could remember everything before but when I arrived at the party everything is blank.

"Uum doctor I can't remember what happened."

"Hmm that's odd , most likely nothing too serious , how much do you remember?"

"I can only remember till I arrived at the party than its all blank."

"Hhm I see , it should come back in a few days its nothing too serious , dont worry about it."

The day then went by pretty fast , besides all the tests it was fine , I got visited by my friends . Sam , Marie , Liam and Joanne turns out I was out for 2 days not the end of the world but still . They gave me my homework that I missed 'hooray!' And otherwise we just played uno all day.

Night came and I hated every minute of it , it was so quiet and creepy it took me a while to actually fall asleep but damn I hate hospitals .

The next day

Time skip to when you got home

I was now sitting on the couch watching some TV , I was watching the news and saw the news talking about apparently they were calling it the bite of 83 weird but eh , they were complaining on how dangerous the animatronics were after this incident and how none of them should be their and instead be dismantled. I personally found it harsh , I mean no one died ( eh hem Chris of coursenot in this au ) I decided to go have a walk , I was bored since I couldn't draw really with my L/R ( left or right ) arm in a cast .

As I was walking , I saw a group of boys sitting on a bench and talking to each other , I went closer and saw geuss who.
Thats right! Michael!

"Heelllo boys~"


Frederick said , suddenly they all jumped and hugged me apologising expect Michael he just looked away , he then called his siblings when they came Chris started crying while Elizabeth was having a hard time holding hers back . I went up to them and kept trying to calm them down reassuring them that I was fine . I have no clue how but they managed to bring me to their house well kinda dragged me more than anything to be honest .

I ended up having dinner with them , Miss Afton who I found was called Clara ( not too sure , but that is the most common theory about her name and honestly I just think Clara is a nice name ) turns out if hadn't helped Chris it wasn't going to be a broken arm but a bloody crushed skull , it was most likely he wouldn't have survived it.

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