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I opened my school locker with a blank expression on my face usual. No hurry, no worry, no happiness or no fear. Just blank. Neutral.

Suddenly a note fell from it, a violet paper.

I picked it up with a raised eyebrow to read :

"Life didn't end where you think you left.

It's still going on and still left to enjoy.

I know it isn't easy, it still hurts. Those wounds which have left a deep mark in your heart.

But we need to live, we need to move on. Forget the past and cherish what we have got right now.

P.S. there's beauty in everything. Even at that moon which spread light in the darkness at night ;)

A "

I looked around to see who was that student who talked to me when no one liked to.

It wasn't because they feared me.

But because I wanted to stay away from them. From people and humans with whom we can feel attached easily.

Putting the paper back in the locker with my books, I shut it quickly and was on my way to my house in milliseconds.

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