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Everyone hurried my past. Some in the eagerness to go back home, some hurrying to meet up with their friends or some to just get away from the school as soon as possible.

On the other end, I walked slowly, my hands in my pocket, my hood covering my face.

I opened my locker to keep my books and one again, there was a note. Light bluish in colour, waiting to fall at any instance.

I picked it up immediately before I would have to bend down and pick it up and make my back suffer due to that.

"At times, even God could make mistakes.

Mistakes with disastrous outcomes.

But that doesn't mean that they have to punish themselves just because if that.

Something that's done is done. All we can do is look forward for another start with a lesson learnt.

Have you ever layed down on that green grass and looked at the sky with nothing in mind?


Again as the day before, I looked around but to no avail.

No one was there.

Specially no one was there looking at me.

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