Chapter 7

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The next day Bakugou looked horrible.

"Hey Bakubro-friend" Kirishima said, as he walked up to Bakugou doing finger guns.

"Dang, what happened to you?! You look horrible!" Kirishima said once he got closer, giving Bakugou a concerned look.

"Is it that obvious?" Bakugou asked with a huff.

"Ya, kinda. What happened?" Kirishima asked, hugging his boyfriend and giving him a kiss.

"I...I found something last night..." Bakugou replied, his voice cracking as he hugged his boyfriend tight.

"Do you want to talk about it or do you want a distraction?" Kirishima asked, his eyes searching Bakugou's.

"I...can it wait till lunch? I...I don't want to talk about it right now." Bakugou said, looking at the ground, avoiding Kirishima's eyes.

"Distraction it is!" Kirishima replied, kissing his boyfriend again.

"Did you hear about Mineta?" Kirishima asked, a teasing smile on his face as he looked up at Bakugou.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, but gave a huff of laughter.

"Ya, I heard that stupid mutt finally got fully expelled.'" Bakugou said, a smile forming on his face.

"You do realize we haven't been here very long, right?" Kirishima laughed, eyes sparkling. 

"Ya but still! When he was the lowest scoring out of all of us he should have been expelled and removed completely instead of just moved to a different track. That guy was a creep, a pervert, and it's a wonder how he got into this school in the first place." Bakugou replied, counting off all the reasons Mineta could never be a hero.

"True, but at least he's gone now." Kirishima laughed as he and Bakugou turned to walk to class hand in hand.

"I think he might have been the only straight one here." Bakugou said, glancing at his boyfriend with a smile.

"Why is that so true?!" Kirishima yelled, doubling over in laughter.

"This school literally said 'gay rights' just with class 1-A." Bakugou continued, starting to laugh.

"Ok-Ok," Kirishima gasped, trying to catch his breath.

"But when Koda came out as Panromantic, Asexual were any of us surprised?" Kirishima asked, barely able to contain his laughter.

"I wasn't." Bakugou replied, a smile on his face as he was barely able to contain his own laughter. 

"Ok, but the fact that we've only been here a short while and already most of the class is either together or you can tell who likes who is kinda funny." Bakugou said, looking at Kirishima as they continued to walk to class hand in hand.

"Right! 5 bucks says Iida comes out as AroAce in the next week." Kirishima said, playfully glaring at Bakugou.

"5 bucks says he comes out this week." Bakugou challenged, playfully glaring back.

"Betting on your classmates' sexuality, Isn't that kinda low?" Mina asked, glaring at them but the smile on her face showed she wasn't actually mad.

"Actually, they have a point." Jirou said, looking at Mina with an affectionate teasing smile.

"Babe! You're supposed to be on my side!" Mina said, letting go of Jirou's hand to pout.

"Are you saying you don't think Iida's AroAce?" Jirou said playfully, crossing her own arms.

"I didn't say that, I said betting on his sexuality was low. He's definitely AroAce. In fact, I'd give 100 bucks if he's anything else!" Mina said, as they all broke out laughing.

"Ok, Ok, we have to get to class! We can't be late again!" Jirou said, trying to control her laughter.

Everyone eventually made it to class, before the bell rang, but they were still laughing uncontrollably as they walked in.

"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up." Aizawa drawled, unamused.

"Sorry Aizawa-sensei, at least we weren't late this time!" Kirishima said, still trying to contain his laughter.

"No matter, just get in your seats." Aizawa said, barely able to keep his eyes open.

Through stifled laughter Mina, Jirou, and Kirishima made their way to their desks while Bakugou was mostly able to contain his laughter as he walked to his desk with a slight smile on his face.

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