Chapter 9

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" can the world be so cruel?" Kirishima asked, his face still buried into Bakugou's shoulder.

"From what you've told me and what I can hear from the audio, they took a literal angle and broke him down so badly he gave up on his dream!" Kirishima said, his tears finding a new wave and coming down even harder but the hint of anger still glistened deep within his eyes.

"I...I don't know..." Bakugou replied, hugging Kirishima tightly as he fought back his own tears.

"He would have loved it here. He would have loved to have met you guys...he would have loved IcyHot the most though." Bakugou said with a sad laugh as he thought of what life would have been like if he would have survived to make it into U.A.

"Why...why would he have loved Todo-bro-ki the most?" Kirishima asked looking up, wiping away his tears.

"He loved broken people...people like him.... One look at IcyHot's burn and he would have tried to get to the bottom of it. And once he did get to the bottom of it, he'd hold a grudge against the bastard who did it and caused IcyHot pain. He'd even give IcyHot all the attention 'he deserved.' I'm sure they would have ended up dating." Bakugou said, doing air quotes around 'he deserved,' a longing smile on his face as he thought about what his old friend would have done if he were here.

"You really miss him, don't you?" Kirishima asked, still wiping away tears.

"Sorta, I...I'm partly to blame for him not being here. I know you already know that but..." Bakugou trailed off.

"...but that guilt is still there." Kirishima finished, looking sadly at Bakugou.

"I get it...I wasn't a bully per say, I was more of the bullies' victim, but I get it. No matter what anyone says, no matter what anyone tells you, you still carry that guilt around." Kirishima said, looking down towards the ground.

"How...?" Bakugou starts to ask, but he leaves the question unfinished.

"How do I know?" Kirishima finished Bakugou's sentence again with a bitter laugh.

"Lets just say, I know the feeling, but it's not guilt..." Kirishima continued, rubbing the back of his neck.

" can understand what life was like for him, can't you? That's why you said, and acted the way you did. You know what he was going through..." Bakugou said, eyes wide as he learned more about his boyfriend.

"I don't understand exactly what he was going through but, ya. I know what it's like for the world to tell you you're better off dead and getting to the point where you start to believe it yourself. If it means anything, I don't think he hates you. I...I feel like he always considered you a friend, even at the end. I know I didn't hate my bullies, sure I got mad at them, but they were once my me, I'm sure he held out hope that you'd be his friend again. I'm sure he cared about you right till the end." Kirishima said, looking up at Bakugou, his tears coming to a halt.

" really think so?" Bakugou asked almost desperately, pleadingly.

"If he was even remotely like me, I know so." Kirishima said, a smile on his face as he kissed Bakugou again.

"He...he did leave me a final never sent so I didn't get it till I found the videos." Bakugou says, holding up his phone for Kirishima to see the message.

"Hey Kacchan, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do...please...please don't blame yourself. Trust me, it wasn't your fault..." Kirishima read the message out loud, hugging Bakugou tight after he finished reading it.

"I told you it wasn't your fault and that he didn't hate you." Kirishima whispered in Bakugou's ear, hugging him even tighter as he tried to give him the support Kirishima knew he desperately needed.

"Th-thank you, Kiri," Bakugou whispered, burying his face in Kirishima's shoulder.

"Plea...please do...don't" Bakugou whimpered, as he tried to choke back his sobs.

Kirishima had never heard or seen Bakugou this vulnerable before, and his heart broke even more. The usually confident, arrogant, closed offish guy was now doing everything he could to stop himself from breaking apart and to stop the sobs from coming.

"I'm here as long as you need me, I'm not going anywhere." Kirishima said, rubbing comforting circles onto Bakugou's back as he hugged him even tighter.

As Bakugou took in shuttering breaths, trying to fight back the growing sobs that wanted to wrack his body, Kirishima was there comforting him. He had kept true to his word, he didn't leave or abandon Bakugou, he stayed there and kept whispering sweet, loving things into his ear while he rubbed his back comfortingly. He only stopped occasionally to give Bakugou a tight hug when he needed it.

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