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This isn't the original idea I had for this chapter, but I decided on a rewrite because the old one was eh.

Anyways here is the next chapter and I'll hopefully be working on this story more since it will be a short one, unless I find motivation for it.

It's 6:00pm and Diana and Tatsu are outside a restaurant waiting for The girls to arrive.

"There a few minutes late are you sure they said by six?" Tatsu asks.

Diana nods her head. "Yes, Jessica said to be here at that time."

Tatsu sighs a thought coming to mind. "So you don't think you and me could have just gone on a date to figure this out alone?"

A small frown appears on Diana's face. "Tatsu you know I love spending time alone with you, my friends only decided to come to give us some advice."

"Of course..."

Diana grabs Tatsu's hand. "I can still call and let them know we changed are minds, I really don't mind I just thought this would be fun."

Tatsu looks up at Diana her eyes staring at Diana's processing Diana's words. "Fun...yeah."

Diana smiles. "So what do you want to do?"

Tatsu squeezes Diana's hand lightly. "We can give it a try."

They end up waiting a few more minutes before Jessica and Pam finally arrive. "Sorry we took so long, I had some trouble dragging Pam out of her house."

Pam groans looking away.

"It's quite alright, Tatsu and me didn't mind." Diana assures.

"Zee and Kara aren't here yet?" Jessica asks looking around.

Diana shakes her head. "I assumed she would be with you two."

Jessica sighs. "Well we can wait a few-"

"Sorry we're late." Zee sighs as she comes with a look of annoyance on her face dragging an annoyed Kara.

"The concert was almost over.." Kara grumbles.

Zee groans glaring at her. "I told you we had to be here at six, no matter what."

"Well I don't want to be here!" Kara yells.

Zee smacks the back of her head. "Behave yourself." Zee groans. Zee glances at the girls looking at them before signing. "Sorry about her..."

Diana laughs lightly. "It's alright, we can head inside now."





They all take there seats ordering there food before they begin talking amongst themselves.

"You two have been on dates before right?" Jessica asks looking at Diana and Tatsu.

Tatsu and Diana look at eachother. "Well there was that one time we went moun-" Diana starts before getting cut off.

"Like something romantic maybe?" Zee asks.

Tatsu thinks. "Well we go to the library together?"

Jessica nods her head. "That's cute, me and Pammy do that too."

Pam groans. "Don't call me that."

Jessica leans in close to her ear. "I thought you said I could?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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