Theres a Problem

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This is my attempt at a Diana and Tatsu ship story, Diana and Steve are cute, but I like her relationship with Tatsu more because there more alike, but too each there own ship

I also remembered someone once asked I write for this ship, but I decided a story would be nice, so here it is.


Diana and Tatsu started dating, and Diana has no idea how relationships work, so during her time at the library with Tatsu, she decides to do some research.

"What does being in a relationship mean exactly?" Diana asks.

Tatsu attention shifts from her book as she looks at Diana's confused face. "What?" She asks confused herself.

"What exactly does it mean to be in a relationship?" Diana asks once again.

Tatsu thinks about Diana's question for a few seconds. "I think it means we are each-others property now?"

There currently in the library doing some studying, they both just like reading in general, especially Diana after realizing how important knowledge is, thanks to her aunt antiope's visit.

Diana looks down at her book. "This book says we must respect each other."

This makes Tatsu laugh. "Well I respect you, do you respect me?"

Diana laughs as well. "Of course."

Tatsu stands up moving to sit next to her girlfriend leaning in to peer over the book she's reading. "Why are you reading a book on how to behave when in a relationship?" She questions.

Diana laughs nervously as she closes the book placing it down. "I'm inexperienced in the department of a relationship."

There's a confused look on Tatsu's face. "You've never been in a relationship?" She asks in disbelief.

Diana shakes her head. "Most of my life I've spent training on themyscira." Diana explains. "I've never had time for romance."

In response Tatsu nods her head in understanding. "I see." She responds looking at the book on the table. "I was in a similar situation, except.." Tatsu sighs in disappointment. "Except I spent my life collecting criminals souls." Tatsu still holds onto that guilt, she never once though what she was doing was wrong, she thought it was justice.

A hand is placed on her shoulder, and Tatsu's eyes move to look at Diana's.

"What matters is you were able to fix your mistake."

This brings a smile to Tatsu's face, Diana always knows what to say, it's as if she could do no wrong, at least that's how Tatsu sees her.





Diana still isn't completely sure about how a relationship is supposed to work, so she decided to ask her friends.

It's lunchtime in metropolis high, and her friends are all just complaining about there classes.

"I'm telling you, Chapin has it out for me." Kara groans.

Zee rolls her eyes. "He has it out for everyone kara, well not me of course."

The girls all start laughing while Kara groans in annoyance.

Diana decides that now is a better time then ever. "Uh girls, I have a question."

The girls turn there heads to Diana. "What is it Diana?" Jessica asks.

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