The Meeting

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You decided today you would go for a swim after all it was a pretty hot day, you got into some clothes that you could swim in, a t-shirt, and some shorts, then left.
Vixen and Luck both followed you to the shore. You got into the water, it was so cool and refreshing. 'Everything here is perfect!' You thought to yourself 'why would this place ever get abandoned?'
You swam for awhile every now and then getting the oddest feeling you were being watched. Vixen jumped in after awhile, she and you and swam with for a bit.
Once it started to get dark and cooler you got out and dryed yourself off.
You called it a night after eating and fell asleep.
You again woke to vix barking but this time it was toward the living room. You got up and saw she was barking at an open windows, the curtains blowing in the breeze. ''Did i open this yesterday?.. I probably just forgot to close it, its okay girl'' you said drearily then shut the window and returned to bed.
You woke up in the morning and took some food for you, Vix, and Luck and left to the trail again.
You made it to the pond and layed on the grass looking at the clouds. Today was a nice day, not to hot, nor cold, a refreshing breeze. You were thinking about staying here permanently. Just you, luckie, vix and the wilderness.
    Hunt your own food, cut your own wood, make your own tools. This could be nice! Maybe one day you could even get your own pet deer! You chuckled to yourself. You could live off the land! This was perfect!
   You left after awhile. On the way home you had a bad feeling and you were on edge. Vixen kept acting weird and staying behind you instead of infront. Suddenly you heard a twig snap behing you and vixen start going crazy barking. You quickly turned on your heel to see what it was, but you fell and hit your head on a rock causing you to black out. The last thing you saw before blacking out was a huge towering figure with a hokey mask.

(This ones a bit of a short chapter, sorry guys next ones longer tho)

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