Umm i dont know what to call this

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I woke up and Anna was on her xbox
Goodmorning bub,I said
Goodmorning,she saids
Julia is coming over today so umm just yea,she said
Is she-she cut me
Off she's my ex we are really good friends tho,she saids
Ooh okay,I said
She continued playing on her Xbox
Ima go downstairs,I said
Okay,she saids
I go downstairs and make myself some breakfast then I hear something so I went upstairs to check
Anna what the actual fuck,I yelled
Sorry,she saids
She broke her tv and her door
So will you explain what happened here,I said
Umm I threw my controller at the tv and threw a baseball and it went threw the door,she saids
Dam it Anna we're going to have to ducking buy you a new tv and a knew fucking for till then you will have no door and tv and don't even ask to use mine,I yelled
Im sorry but come on let me use your tv I won't throw my controller to it,she saids
Nope good luck on buying a new tv,I said and left the room really she really threw her controller to her tv well to bad
Dam it now I can't watch tv or play fortnite and Minecraft fuck why did I do that and now I don't have a fucking door I guess I'm going to have to go to the store some day this week and buy a door

Bub can you come back,I said
Fine,she saids ad comes back to my room
I laid down waiting for her to lay on me
Hello babe are you going to lay down with me,I said
Yes bub one sec,she saids
Can I use your tv,I whispered
Bub im sorry but I don't want my tv to get broken,she saids
It's fine,I said kinda mad
Bebe I'm sorry,she saids
It's okay bub,I said then I went in tiktok and scrolled

I want to play fortnite right now oh wait I can use the living room one I went to my Xbox and picked it up

No,Sab saids
What,I said
Your not using the living room tv,she saids
But bub,I said
Baby let's go to the store I'll get you a tv but don't break it,she saids
Yay I'll pay tho I love you,I said
Bebe I'm paying,she saids
No I am,I said
Come on let's just go get you a new tv,she saids
Okay bub,I said and gave her a kiss
Your so cute,she saids
Look at you,I said
At the store
Okay bub let's pick one out,I said
Okay Bebe,she saids
We go look at the TVs
So I'm not going to have a door then,she saids
Bub there is a hole through it well your not going to have privacy,I said
You mean us,she saids
What,I said
You mean we're not going not have privacy,she saids smirking
Omg Anna,I said
She giggled
What about this tv it's big,she saids
We can watch a movie when we get home if you want,she saids
So you want that one,I said
Yea,she saids
Okay,I said
And yes I want to watch a movie with you,I said
We go to pay and we go to the car
I love you,she saids
I love you too,I said and gave her a kiss
She started driving she's so hot she put her hand on my thigh
You are so fucking hot,I said
No you,she saids
Then we get home I help her take the tv upstairs I help her put it up
She plugs in her Xbox

Bub really,I said
What,she saids
I thought we where going to watch a movie,I said
Sorry Bebe,she saids and goes on Netflix
Want to watch avengers,she saids
Sure,I said she lays down and we cuddle
Then a funny part came on and I giggled Then laughed

Your laugh is so cute,she saids
No it's not,I said
She falls asleep slowly
I love you,I said
I love you too,she saids half awake
I thought she was sleeping I peck her lips and then fall asleep

(Hope y'all liked this one

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